International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V12

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You didnt listen to what he said? He said there were soldiers under the rubble.

Heres more proof. It just so happens that these two speak perfect american english, one of them has a 3rd ranger battalion tattoo and hes in an area where foreign volunteers for the AFU regularly meet?

Troops inside the location minutes before the attack

Of course civilians probably died but it seems this was some kind of popular place for AFU/foreign volunteers which is why it was targetted

It was clearly that NATO bunker they keep claiming to hit.
Hitler most likely will order to change some food etc supplier companies for rus military.
He already had launched audit about some contracts...:Done from prigi and friends money cranes looks that will be switched OFF. ;)
You didnt listen to what he said? He said there were soldiers under the rubble.

Heres more proof. It just so happens that these two speak perfect american english, one of them has a 3rd ranger battalion tattoo and hes in an area where foreign volunteers for the AFU regularly meet?

Troops inside the location minutes before the attack

Of course civilians probably died but it seems this was some kind of popular place for AFU/foreign volunteers which is why it was targetted

Well if one Twitter account says so!!

Nobody will protest if Ukraine shell a restaurant in Moscow that Russian soldiers might have frequented at some point.
Its still a civilian target....
Among the victims was 2 14 year old girls.
Just because its a popular place to eat for soldiers does not make it a military or legit target.
I really hope you understand that.

You didnt listen to what he said? He said there were soldiers under the rubble.

Heres more proof. It just so happens that these two speak perfect american english, one of them has a 3rd ranger battalion tattoo and hes in an area where foreign volunteers for the AFU regularly meet?

Troops inside the location minutes before the attack

Of course civilians probably died but it seems this was some kind of popular place for AFU/foreign volunteers which is why it was targetted

Have they ever issued an apology for this kind of thing or do something for the families?
I really think Wagner is done fighting in UKR, the chef seen what it takes to take Bakhmut, is there really any future for Wagner in that war?

From some of the articles I've read they are going to be utilised for training purposes.

Lukashenko also said that his military can learn much from the Wagner mercenaries.

They were at the very front of the attacking troops. They will tell us what’s important now,” Lukashenko said, according to the Belarusian news agency Belta.

Wagner fighters could report on which weapons worked well in Ukraine and how attack and defence could be conducted successfully, Lukashenko was reported to have said

This is very valuable. We have to get this from the Wagner fighters,” Lukashenko said, adding that the mercenary troops were still in their bases in the Russian-occupied Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine.

“But if they would like – and I understand that they are looking at a number of locations – then we will accommodate them,” he said.
Vietnam war pretty thoroughly debunks this idea.
The North Vietnamese Army was not todays Russian Army now, were they? The US inflated their body-count numbers with civilian dead.
In the end, Vietnam won the war, and the US lost it.
Its still a civilian target....
Among the victims was 2 14 year old girls.
Just because its a popular place to eat for soldiers does not make it a military or legit target.
I really hope you understand that.
He even doesn't want to understand anything. Like russian government, politicians and propagandists.

Russia does knows that west is treating them as kind aunt and U.N is helpless against them.
So they might take popcorn and vodka + switch on their propaganda channels and laugh.
What happened with these cases provided to U.N long ago.
Like empty ( without any ppl inside ) museum, churches, sinagoga and mosque?
Ukr ofc with pleasure had showed some victims IF they in these cases had injured ppl or bodies to show.
They had just buildings to show....

Russia will shell, doesn't even matter is someone inside or isn't.
BTW I don't think that russia is striking shopping centers and residental buildings with intent.

They most likely are attempting to hit transformators, electric power plants, electricity supply lines etc etc etc....

The problem most likely is that russia does have a lot of missiles etc. In different condition....
Some from these are manufactured in 1960 ies, some are new fresh production.

What stuff kleptocrats are capable to launch, this is used and daily report to Hitler filled. :(
Kh -22 is very inaccurate and expensive missile. With CEP considerably higher than wiki article etc are stating...
Therefore USSR had stopped to produce these and ordered to develop and produce new model. More precise + even cheaper to produce.
Ofc already produced missiles remained in warehouses basements.
Russia had lost next 1 Su - 25 and 1 Ka-52....

Sadly no one in reality does care.
U.S too doesn't care about Kurds No2.
400 days ago had been proposals to provide Ukr with cluster ammo, napalm and these ATACMS missiles. Nothing from this had happened.

We slowly are watching next plandemic theater where russia is supposed slowly to annex territories Putin had annexed on paper.
This theater.....IMHO.

Will see how quickly russia with blessing from west and China will manage to achieve desired result.
Switzerland had rejected opportunity to earn money by selling 96 Leopard 1 tanks to Germany because after this they might be sent to Ukraine.

I think for Ukraine it will be even better not to waste time with shit called Leopard 1.
They does have worse armour protection than even early T-62 models, are financially overrated as hell and usable only for indirect fire support. Considerably worse than M60A3.

So Switzerland might continue to launder money and talk nice talks.

Leopard 2 A4 is " level " German military doesn't want to see since 1992 th. :D.
While optics ofc this does have better than any soviet era tank.;)
Leopard 1 is T-54/55 level with exception in better optics and more powerful engine.
It isn't even T-62 as main battle tank.
From some of the articles I've read they are going to be utilised for training purposes.

Lukashenko also said that his military can learn much from the Wagner mercenaries.

They were at the very front of the attacking troops. They will tell us what’s important now,” Lukashenko said, according to the Belarusian news agency Belta.

Wagner fighters could report on which weapons worked well in Ukraine and how attack and defence could be conducted successfully, Lukashenko was reported to have said

This is very valuable. We have to get this from the Wagner fighters,” Lukashenko said, adding that the mercenary troops were still in their bases in the Russian-occupied Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine.

“But if they would like – and I understand that they are looking at a number of locations – then we will accommodate them,” he said.

Dont forget Luka is a liar like the rest of them, did you see his interview with Olga talking about the UKR offensive when it just began? i cant remember the exact numbers but he was talking about UKR loses and the numbers were off the charts believable I wouldnt take much stock in what comes out of his yap.
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