International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V12

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Talks about the mutilation and murder that the Russian soldiers did to civilians, then went in and raped the women and daughters after they slaughtered the civilian men.
You actually qualify for a pentagon spokeswoman role with such an awkward twisting of the facts.

the entire afghan mission was a failure (not as bad as Iraq but still a massive failure). We spent years and billions upon billions over there, ran away in the end leaving valuable supplies and people back there. Our take over cost countless lives and billions of dollars, when those under equipped cavemen Taliban took the nation back they did it with very limited causalities, arms or funding.

We can only hope the Ukraine war isn’t a complete shit show disaster like the Afghan war, I don’t even see why anyway would mention the Afghan war but to troll the west… smh

US won the war in literally days.

US lost convincing millions of people there to care about freedom and rights they never had before.

You can say US failed at nation building. Which is nothing new...

Did Afghanis reduce American military capacity? Destroy whole battalions? Destroy most of American tanks? Planes?

America and NATO got tired of wasting taxpayer money on conflict that had little to do with it. Ukraine on the other hand is strategically important to NATO and world.
You realize Russia was a part of the USSR and waged a massive depopulation campaign in the Afghan countryside and were as brutal as you wished the US to be and still lost. You live in the west and shat on an entire country including the people that fought and died for your vision just because the rest of the country kicked you out. Me saying Ukrainians arent Afghans is a fact. Its a completely different outlook to warfare.

People in the rest of the world do not share your cultural or religious values and dont want them at the barrel of a gun. Now that NATO left, Afghanistan has become more peaceful and less corrupt than ever in the last 20 years. I love showing other Afghans sentiment of people like you because they pause and realize the people most adamant about the occupation are the ones that think the lowest of them. Its just waay too easy. I just wish we could it for the 1000s and 1000s that wasted their lives dying for a bunch of people that would never even respect their sacrifice.
Let’s be clear here. They did not kick us out. If Trump had decided to stay and not make peace, we would still be there and there would be a lot more dead Taliban. Probably a lot more dead civilians too caught in the crossfire.

Thankfully the US does have morals. If we went full Roman Empire in these places we definitely could genocide whole areas of people.
You are the one who brought it up, and you are now asking me who cares and why are we going off topic. It's responses like this that make me wonder if you are just in here trolling now.
We can stop at just this one point because it addresses the idiocy of trying to paint two entirely different scenarios as similar.
Ok gentlemen, let me address two issues here:
1. Both of you have missed the entire point of the original post. It had to do with how many years Putin had been in office and why just in 2022 he decided to do a major invasion of Ukraine. Why not a full-scale invasion in 2014 when Russia took Crimea?
Vladimir Putin (1st and 2nd terms) 2000–2008 8 years, 0 days
Vladimir Putin (3rd and 4th terms) 2012–present 11 years, 89 days
Georgia and Ukraine being the 'primary' invasions during that period. Why not have a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2000 or 2004? Why 2022? Something about Ukraine wanting NATO membership?
2. Both of you, and Darkballs in particular, is dying to see me get another 'yellow' and an eventual ban (as are many others). I read your signature: "Dancing upon the graves of a 1000 banned accounts." Not taking the bait mate. Sorry! If I get banned, it will sure as shit not be done by you. I'm done here gentlemen. Think what you want. Like I said before, there are only 2 to 3 people in this thread worth holding a conversation with. You are not it.
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2. Both of you, and Darkballs in particular, is dying to see me get another 'yellow' and an eventual ban (as are many others). I read your signature: "Dancing upon the graves of a 1000 banned accounts." Not taking the bait mate. Sorry! If I get banned, it will sure as shit not be done by you. I'm done here gentlemen. Think what you want. Like I said before, there are only 2 to 3 people in this thread worth holding a conversation with. You are not it.

1. Stop lying. You do not want to just converse with people that agree with you in an echo chamber. Because you want to troll and be a contrarian. You thrive on it. Just be logically consistent and make sense - which you are not.

2. I do not support banning you. I don't believe in cancel culture.
US won the war in literally days.

US lost convincing millions of people there to care about freedom and rights they never had before.

You can say US failed at nation building. Which is nothing new...

Did Afghanis reduce American military capacity? Destroy whole battalions? Destroy most of American tanks? Planes?

America and NATO got tired of wasting taxpayer money on conflict that had little to do with it. Ukraine on the other hand is strategically important to NATO and world.
Cool story bro.

We didn’t go in for nation building. We went in to destroy the Taliban and Osama.

last I checked Taliban rules Afghanistan while we fleed in embarrassing manner. As for osama we didn’t do anything to him in Afghanistan. We might have gotten him in Pakistan apparently.

ukraine is in direct confrontation with Russia. We and all of nato is supporting it let’s focus on that instead of talking about the failed Afghan adventure.

The American war in Afghanistan incurred staggering costs — for the United States, Afghans and others — over two decades. The U.S. government spent $2.3 trillion, and the war led to the deaths of 2,324 U.S. military personnel, 3,917 U.S. contractors and 1,144 allied troops.Nov 3, 2022 › 2022/11 › af...
In Afghanistan, Was a Loss Better than Peace?

Stop lying. You do not want to just converse with people that agree with you in an echo chamber. Because you want to troll and be a contrarian. You thrive on it. Just be logically consistent and make sense - which you are not.
From the guy that wrote this:
I actually agree with @SandisLL - The West is giving just enough for Ukraine not to lose.
Except it was not SandisLL who said (wrote) that, it was me. Multiple times. You need to get your members and quotes straight.
Me trolling, yeah. <45>Not being logically consistent, yeah. <45>
I agree, A precedent has to be set that in this day and age invasions will not be accepted by the world.
Indeed. The US should have not invaded Iraq.
UKR doing right thing by not just sending in meat walls to die and rather picking and choosing their spots. hitting the back end and now targeting ships and bridges is also very effective.
Choosing their spots and doing what after that? They still have not penetrated or destroyed Russian defensive positions, and they won't.
Ships and bridges in Crimea. Going after the Russian Navy? How is that going to win Ukraine this conflict? A waste of time and resources really. Ukraine needs to break those Russian fortified positions to the East and South, if they want to move the Russian Army back to their border. ...or they could assume a defensive position themselves and hold what is left of Ukraine to the West. Ukraine has chosen to go on the offensive. Big mistake! It will lose its Army in a year and hand the rest of the country over to Russia without a fight. Ukraine is not getting new recruits. All it is getting is soldiers back from training in Europe which they have now decided was a big waste of time. Yeah, Americans, British, and Germans have no idea of how to fight a war.
Ok gentlemen, let me address two issues here:
1. Both of you have missed the entire point of the original post. It had to do with how many years Putin had been in office and why just in 2022 he decided to do a major invasion of Ukraine. Why not a full-scale invasion in 2014 when Russia took Crimea?
Vladimir Putin (1st and 2nd terms) 2000–2008 8 years, 0 days
Vladimir Putin (3rd and 4th terms) 2012–present 11 years, 89 days
Georgia and Ukraine being the 'primary' invasions during that period. Why not have a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2000 or 2004? Why 2022? Something about Ukraine wanting NATO membership?
2. Both of you, and Darkballs in particular, is dying to see me get another 'yellow' and an eventual ban (as are many others). I read your signature: "Dancing upon the graves of a 1000 banned accounts." Not taking the bait mate. Sorry! If I get banned, it will sure as shit not be done by you. I'm done here gentlemen. Think what you want. Like I said before, there are only 2 to 3 people in this thread worth holding a conversation with. You are not it.

Oh no, the guy who says a bunch of silly shit, constantly details and wimps out when anyone asks him a question about what he said doesn’t think I’m worth talking to.

You brought up Georgia. Man up and own your own mistake for once. The west didn’t support Ukraine the first time around because they couldn’t put up a reasonable defense, just like Georgia. This time they did put up a solid defense and even drove Russia out of Kyiv, giving us time to move equipment to them.
US didn't lose. In fact US steamrolled the Taliban quite easily.
No mate, we (US) lost the war in Afghanistan. 20 years in total. We won 90% of the battles but lost the war. Just like in Vietnam.
We should not feel bad. "Afghanistan is where empires and Armies go to die." The Soviets, who failed in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the British who suffered there in the 19th century, all the way back to Alexander the Great, who (barely) conquered Afghanistan long ago but at a terrible cost.
2. Both of you, and Darkballs in particular, is dying to see me get another 'yellow' and an eventual ban (as are many others). I read your signature: "Dancing upon the graves of a 1000 banned accounts." Not taking the bait mate. Sorry! If I get banned, it will sure as shit not be done by you. I'm done here gentlemen. Think what you want. Like I said before, there are only 2 to 3 people in this thread worth holding a conversation with. You are not it.

There's nothing preventing you from answering questions without getting yourself banned. All of us have managed to do it.

If you need this as an excuse to bow out, go ahead. It ain't gonna stop anyone from correcting you when you through out more nonsense.
The fact that a former army guy with 20 years in logistics said that (air dropping infantry behind enemy lines) is still a head-scratcher to me....that was literally his bread and butter....logistics...The dishonest comparisons like that make me question certain posters here.
Covered this issue already remember? I guess not. Short memory or selective memory. No one does the same thing for 20 years in the Army mate. Same for the Navy and Air Force. But you would not know that now, would you?
Never in logistics. 3 years in Operations and Training, S-3. ;) Do you know anything about the rank structure and their responsibilities? How things change as you move up? Duty assignments in a 20-year period? This is where the Russian Army is failing badly.
We can only hope the Ukraine war isn’t a complete shit show disaster like the Afghan war, I don’t even see why anyway would mention the Afghan war but to troll the west.
It is heading in that direction. Many here fail to see it - until it is too late.
Let’s be clear here. They did not kick us out. If Trump had decided to stay and not make peace, we would still be there and there would be a lot more dead Taliban. Probably a lot more dead civilians too caught in the crossfire.

Thankfully the US does have morals. If we went full Roman Empire in these places we definitely could genocide whole areas of people.

They definitely kicked you out. You and your allies fled clunging to your airplanes and you left a bunch of your equipment behind too. Not Going full Roman Empire is not out of some good will but self preservation. The other powers seeing that stuff in their part of the world are going to respond in same way to you and any states under your sphere. Its out of self preservation. That is an abyss most powers are scared of looking into. Even Mao knew this when he called the US bluff of nuclear attack on China. Regardless, the US war on terror has led to 4.5 million deaths around the world. Its about as roman empire you can realistically go in 21st century without commiting political suicide.
They definitely kicked you out. You and your allies fled clunging to your airplanes and you left a bunch of your equipment behind too. Not Going full Roman Empire is not out of some good will but self preservation. The other powers seeing that stuff in their part of the world are going to respond in same way to you and any states under your sphere. Its out of self preservation. That is an abyss most powers are scared of looking into. Even Mao knew this when he called the US bluff of nuclear attack on China. Regardless, the US war on terror has led to 4.5 million deaths around the world. Its about as roman empire you can realistically go in 21st century without commiting political suicide.
Lol American forces weren't even under attack by the Taliban. If you think the Taliban has the power to remove us by force if we decide we want to be there, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The equipment left behind was a sensationalized story by the right to try and smear the Biden administration which I've already talked about at length in here. Yes we did leave equipment behind but it was either ANA stuff or it was old equipment we didn't think was worth shipping back.
Lol American forces weren't even under attack by the Taliban. If you think the Taliban has the power to remove us by force if we decide we want to be there, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The equipment left behind was a sensationalized story by the right to try and smear the Biden administration which I've already talked about at length in here. Yes we did leave equipment behind but it was either ANA stuff or it was old equipment we didn't think was worth shipping back.

They werent attacked because they had already negotiated their withdrawal and left their Afghan allies high and dry. The withdrawal negotiations were ongoing in Doha. They were forced to negotiate because of what was happening politically and on the battlefield. You decided to be there in 2001 and after like 20 years struggle threw in the towel and left in disgrace.
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