Russian Mercenaries killed by US/Allies in Syria


Silver Belt
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score

Apologies if there is one - didn't see a thread on this already.

Seems like the US and it's allies killed up 200+ Russian national mercenaries (Blackwater types - 'Wagner' contractors) along with pro-government forces in defense of an attack on an oil field.

Is this the closest we've been to direct military conflict with Russia in some time? Shits getting heavy in Syria.
A Russian-made T-72 tank was also destroyed by a US Drone over the weekend, killing 3.

Not clear on if Russians were inside or not.
I will be so pissed if we end up in an actual war over such a shitty piece of land
Why does Trump want war with Russia?

I thought he got voted in to prevent Hillary from starting WW3, but he's starting WW3 anyway.
Saw this yesterday. They would play it down even if ruskies were killed.
Yea, there is a thread on it already. Fuck Russia. Fuck Syria.
Its not the US' fault if Russia doesnt tell its merc where we will be bombing. Half the problem is the Russians lying their ass off about where their guys are at any given moment
"This is JTAC 1-1, request permission for air tasking, grid x000000000000 y00000000000 how copy over"
"Skyboss read, copy, air tasking request grid x000000000 y00000000. standby for ACM, over"
"Skyboss, ACM confirm, weapons free. On your call, over"
"JTAC 1-1 copy all, ACM confirmed, weapons free over"

"Skyboss. JTAC 1-1, Cease mission. Allied unit in target AO. How copy over"
"JTAC1-1 copy cease fire. maintaining OR. over.

basically ACM has the job of alerting and being notified of the location of friendly units, with an allied structure, these plans are made out weeks in advance and updated as need be. Problem is, if you dont bother to either
A-notify the ACM to changes in your force deployment
B-bullshit where your forces are for whatever reason

you run the risk of your guys getting splashed by friendly air/gun assets. This kind of thing is taken very seriously and part of what makes joint operations a major pain. The Dutch were notorious for their lackadaisical mission planning in A-stan back when i was in