Satisfying moments in games


Unimpressed Jiri
Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2004
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BTW of course all this will contain spoilers but these are relativley old games im talking about here so I dont think tags are necessary.

Gears of War 2 (Technically this can happen in any Gears of War game,but I remember very vividly this happening in the 2nd one)

Near the end of the game I was up on a ledge of some kind and there were two rocket launcher toting boomers below.I crouched into cover when they fired on my position,and then popped up,and threw a grenade down at one of them,and then got back into cover. As soon as it exploded in his FACE,I popped up and filled that guy full of lead with my automatic and he went down. Thats why they had to make like 6 of these fuckin games,cos of the visceral satisfying combat like that. Also all these games should be played on the highest difficulty. Its just way way better that way trust me. Its not so much the enemies being bullet sponges,its just that you get killed fast for fucking up,so when your in cover,you really have to make your choices wisely and thats what ups the fun level

The story taking a completley unexpected turn in the middle of the game when you confront Andrew Ryan,and you find out your nothing but a pawn and your only real ally thus far is actually the real main villain in the game,is fucking incredible,but later on when you don the armor of the big daddy and use the flame thrower to immolate everything in your path,the little sister you are protecting start humming a tune as they skip through the flaming carnage. Not a cinema scene,but actually in the game. Incredible

Castlevania SOTN

Finding out that when you thought you beat the game,a giant upside down version of everything you just did gets plonked on top of you,and you realize your only halfway there.


The entire end of the game.

Handled to complete perfection. The final showdown w Sephiroth. Hitting him with the limit breaker,him exploding...the destruction of everything and then...after the credits,the long lived red XIII and his kin looking down at the ruins of midgard FIVE HUNDRED YEARS LATER. I get goosebumps just typing that shit.

What are some of your favorites? I guess it would be best to focus on older games and not spoil shit that just fuckin came out.
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oh and this entire battle (especially because of the amazing music)

The music in this part is so BUMPIN,that I feel like the game could have ended right here and id be fine w it.

Beating Malenia in Elden Ring. It's an absolutely terrible boss fight but I'd being lying if I said I didn't feel hyped after beating her.
Using Balrog in SF II Championship edition is mad fun. His punches cause ALOT of damage,and he has a big reach,so its almost like really boxing,cos you can time the punches on guys coming in,and fuck them up really early in the match. You dont even need special moves,just his regular punches. You have to learn the timing and you gotta keep the pressure on. Some guys tho like Dhalsim and Zangief can be really hard for a guy who fights like Balrog who gotta close the satisfying when you get good with it. If i wanna left off some steam i throw that on the switch.

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That music that plays after a fight when the winner taunts the loser...

I had SF II on snes back in the 90s,and at the time it was an amazing port to me.

Then i went out to an arcade and played it,and when that music played and I heard that loud ass bass and clarity,I went home and tried to turn up my TV,and I realized,damn SNES cannot match the arcade sound hahahhaa

Yakuza Kiwami 2

First time I ran towards a downed enemy and punted him across the street...
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Clearing the derelict citadel in Returnal, stiffy lasted the rest of the day.
The bazooka drop in RE 1. Then using it.

First dragon fight in Skyrim

Taking your first flight in WoW.

Climax battle in Mass Effect 2.

Chainsawing a demon in Doom

Needing to travel across the entire map in Spider-Man and deciding NOT to use quick-travel.

First Mortal Kombat fatality (Johnny Cage from Original MK)

Beating Hades for the first time in Hades.
Clearing the derelict citadel in Returnal, stiffy lasted the rest of the day.

Returnal is massively underrated imo. Even as a game that had pretty stellar reviews across the board.
When the Lycan's destroy you in the opening level of Village and you only have a small pistol and limited shotgun ammo

Then you bust in their den later after getting all the upgrades and armed to the teeth like Rambo and kill 'em all!
It was "satisfying" in a different sense when the nuke actually went off and your character died in COD4. A bunch of people and I were watching someone play it on 360 when it came out. None of us could believe they actually did it.
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When it comes to PvE games i'd say the most recent was in Lost Ark last year. The Valtan and Vykas raids were insanely fun.