SED 276: No politics, no whining, just entertainment of the sporting variety (and butts)

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I liked ROH when it was called SMW.
You can also watch ROH, NXT, Lucha Underground and a shit load of Japanese wrestling. Plus Ranallo on Smackdown. No Stone Cold or Rock but they were once in a generation that we were lucky to get at the same time.

I hear people in here make that point all the time. It comes off as an excuse for how awful the show has been and the lame booking that has polluted it. If that is indeed true, who is the Stone Cold or Rock of this generation? It ain't Cena, Punk, Bryan, Seth, Dean, Orton, Batista, Bray or even Brock. None of them have come close, not even Cena.
Happy international day of happiness you sorry bastards
I'd like to see Roode. He's quite good.:)

Lesnar (still is) a hell of a lot quicker than Mir. One take down and that would probably be it. If Hunt would catch Brock with a punch prior to that it still may not be enough as Brock in his mma career had a hell of a chin. So I'd favour Brock.:)

Nah, Brock can't take a punch. And let's not act like he has some ridiculous ground game where if he gets you on the ground it's over.
Nah, Brock can't take a punch. And let's not act like he has some ridiculous ground game where if he gets you on the ground it's over.

Gets Mark Hunt on the ground? Yeah, it's definitely over.
I hear people in here make that point all the time. It comes off as an excuse for how awful the show has been and the lame booking that has polluted it. If that is indeed true, who is the Stone Cold or Rock of this generation? It ain't Cena, Punk, Bryan, Seth, Dean, Orton, Batista, Bray or even Brock. None of them have come close, not even Cena.

Shit booking I agree.

Rock and Stone Cold couldn't get over nowadays with the scripts they would get. But they were still magnificent guys who rocked their own shit during their promos.

Punk came close though. He was himself but at 11.

Bray could have been the next Undertaker except being able to really really wrestle.

Rusev could be a magnificent generation defining heel.

Dean is the Mike Foley of this generation except he gets scripted bullshit.

Bryan built his own midget legend.

Cena has probably sold more merch than Austin or Rock over the years.
Gets Mark Hunt on the ground? Yeah, it's definitely over.


I hopped on to stream some 2K16, and I'm in career mode here - my current orders from the Authority are to run in on Kane's match tonight and ensure he wins.

So I can do that and get some bonuses and possibly get in their favor ... or I can run in on anyone else. Even Kane. But thing I'm really considering - the champ and #1 contender in my division have a match tonight, so I can force a feud with either by running in on their match.

Hrm, the stuff you get for going along with the Authority probably doesn't make sense unless you are familiar with the game - basically it's a bonus these points you can upgrade your character with, and also fulfilling/failing their orders affects a reputation meter you have with them, which affects some story/plot points.

So the bonus to my character might help in the long run, but I wonder if getting the belt might help me progress faster


Felt it was too much of a gamble trying to help Kane, as he was facing Reigns who has a pretty high rating ... and I might possibly have gotten locked into a program with him and jobbed left and right.

Now I am locked in a program with Goldust, and I cut a promo implying we have a title match at the ppv wooo
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