Shoes to wear while training boxing?

When I'm just working on my boxing, I wear high-top Adidas basketball shoes, which I feel work very well. They provide me with a lot of traction.

I see some people at my gym wear running shoes, which I heard is not good because in boxing, you need to be able to move in all directions quickly, but running shoes are only good at moving you forward, not side to side, diagonally, etc.
Sorry if this has been asked. I know there are specific boxing shoes, but I'm not a boxer (aspiring MMA fighter) and I'm broke so I don't want to buy those.

My question is, when I train boxing, is there any other type of shoe (say, a converse or vans style flat shoe, running shoe) that is a good replacement for boxing shoes? Or is it best to train barefoot to get used to it when in MMA?

barefoot is definitely your cheapest option...... but if you want a boxing shoe (or wrestling shoe, as their about the same thing), you can usually pick up a used pair on ebay for under 30$, or even check the web specials on title or ringside, they periodically will have clearance sales on certain shoes and sell them for cheap, under 30-40$ ofen.

Personally, i much prefer to have boxing shoes on when i am boxing, get a better bite and keep my ankles in tact (got bad ankles from years of b-ball). But kickboxing i never wear shoes, just ankle supports.......
You can go barefoot and be fine. You could also pick up a pretty cheap pair of wrestling shoes for about twenty or thirty dollars. If you do decide to use sneakers, just make sure they're clean and you use them only for gym work. Just make sure you don't go outside with them and get them all dirty and then track that onto the mats and ring.
Anyone find pivoting with runners on difficult? I find that they grip the floor too much when I put any sort of weight on my foot.
make sure the interiors of the shoes aren't too abrasive also. I went home one day to find a large blister on the ball of my foot
Moleskin FTW. That stuff saved my ass while breaking in my work boots.
converse all-star high tops - they offer ankle support, have a flat bottom allowing for good swivel on the canvas


shell out the 29.99 up for some boxing/wrestling shoes on

+1 for get yourself some decent boxing shoes for cheap.

i don't know how you guys can practice boxing with running shoes. i did that for a bit and i can't seem to pivot properly with them. running shoes are just not designed to allow proper boxing foot movements (IMO). a few times i thought i was going to twist my ankle from practicing in my running shoes. they were brand new and had a lot of grip.
I use the same pair of Asics wrestling shoes for boxing, wrestling and strength training. I've had the same pair for the last 4 years. ( the tread is finally wearing off so this is prob their last year.)
pretty sure OP meant shoes for boxing.

In that case , training barefoot will do jack shit and in fact bring your game down.

Not every post here is concerning MMA.....or UFC.


I wear timbs when I can get away with it, since reading Joe Frazier's book. Most of the time my converse though.
I used to wear Boxing shoes to the Gym, but realized that's kinda dumb if you're poor and want your shoes to be nice if you actually get a bout. So now it's just sneakers. Same with trunks, now just sweats or shorts.


I've seen Cuban kids boxing barefoot.
Just get a cheap wrestling shoe. Running shoes have too much threads. It will hurt your knee when you pivot a lot
Do not train barefoot in a real boxing gym. They will laugh their ass off at you and the floor probably hasn't been cleaned in years.
What about minimalist shoes?? They are very light and grip your foot like compression gear..

Probably would look goofy but has anyone tried those fivefinger shoes for boxing? Seem like they would work great
A lot of people just wear trainers.


I wore it because we'd go for a jog before we start.

and even during most of sparring, I used to wear normal running trainers (though they were quite decent), I'd only wear boxing shoes when I had to during fights

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