
Wanderlei Silva is the most over rated fighter of all time.

Juiced out of his mind, and his five best wins are, in chronologic order:
1) Sakuraba
2) Sakuraba
3) Sakuraba
4) Rampage
5) Rampage

On my best of all time LHW list his somewhere below Vitor and Forest Griffin, but above Machida and Evans.
You spelled underrated wrong and Saku might be in his top5 wins.... maybe...

Hea better than your favorite fighter... that's for sure.
Wanderlei left Rampage bleeding in the ropes. His wins over Rampage were more impressive than the trilogy match, before which Wanderlei had already fallen off hard.
Argument could be made Rampage wasn't in his prime when Wandy beat him.

Hard to discuss these things
Wand is one of my favourite fighters ever, but yeah, he was very beatable. He was all about wild explosive aggression, pressure, intimidation and just walking through punishment. It wasnt well suited to aging or drug testing. And even then he lost to Tito and got destroyed by Vitor when he was young too. I think Shogun always beats him, Chuck vs Wand a few years earlier in Pride is a tough call, and Rampage (and Hendo) aged a lot better.
I don't see how so many have Wand over chuck. It's most likely just because of the rampage losses but chuck beat guys silva lost to and beat him head to head. I really can't see much of an argument for silva over chuck.
Chuck is last. Wanderlei was coming off back to back KO losses and Liddell couldn't finish him. Silva finished Rampage twice. Silva apparently beat Shogun in the gym with the prize being a dog.

The Axe Murderer was never the same after Cro Cop knocked him out cold.
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Chuck and Wand were champs in the 2 main promotions, Chuck with 5 straight title fight wins, Wand with a 5-year run and the 03 GP win. So Wand was #1 and Chuck #2 up until Shogun won the 05 GP.

Then you could rank Shogun as #1, but for a shorter time than the above 2, he lacked a title run. But then again his overall record is the best, who he beat, so Shogun's the most difficult to rank, be it 1, 2 or 3.

Rampage beat Chuck, but also lost Pride fights, wasn't a champ there. Was shorty champ in the UFC, with 1 defense. So he's #4 with the shortest run, also less gold than Shogun because of the 05 GP.
Do you realize how stupid you sound when you bring up roids in Pride?

If it was legal then everyone Wand was fighting was also juiced so it’s a pointless topic.

It’s like saying some fighter in the UFC has an advantage because he was allowed to train for his fight. It would be dumb because they all get to train as much as they like.

No buddy I don't, you're right everyone in Pride did and some of them came to the UFC and got shit stomped like Wand, and some came and won a belt like Rampage.
Tough to rank. Gets even weirder if you throw Hendo in there...
Wanderlei beat Rampage x2 when both were close to their primes. Rampage only beat Wanderlei when Wanderlei was well passed his prime.

Argument could be made Rampage wasn't in his prime when Wandy beat him.

Hard to discuss these things
They were both much closer to their primes in the first two fights when looking at both. In the third fight Rampage might have been closer to his prime but Wanderlei was clearly passed his by the third fight.
I said top five. You guys keep adding shit.

No no amigo. You're not understanding. You put Sakuraba as his best 3 wins, it's not. Arona and Hendo are no question better wins and so is Rampage.
Should. If it wasn't for cro cop kicking his head into the front row he ALMOST had a chance. We also won't mention the body kicks that bruised the shit out of wand.
You are talking about 2 different fights. Wanderlei had the foot impression in the first Cro Cop fight that he would have won if they had judges.
Argument could be made Rampage wasn't in his prime when Wandy beat him.

Hard to discuss these things

Not in his prime coming of a TKO win over Chuck Liddell?? Not to mention Randleman, Bustamante, Arona and Igor? The man had over 20 pro fights before fighting Wand.