SNL mocks Navy Seal hero who lost eye, new low.

They exist. It's just considering some of their beliefs it isn't exactly fit for tv.
What could a right wing comedian say that wasn't fit for tv?
Liberal comedians joke about rape, pedophilia, gay sex, abortion and any and every other disgusting thing that you could imagine.
Snl is so damn partisan that it is unwatchable. These clowns have been given the green light to trash the right at every opportunity
What could a right wing comedian say that wasn't fit for tv?
Liberal comedians joke about rape, pedophilia, gay sex, abortion and any and every other disgusting thing that you could imagine.
Jeff Foxworthy is a redneck comedian. He seems nice and unoffensive. Larry The Cable Guy too. Ernest as well.
Jeff Foxworthy is a redneck comedian. He seems nice and unoffensive. Larry The Cable Guy too. Ernest as well.
Ive only heard a little of their stuff, but they don't seem to really put a lot of politics into their shows. They talk about redneck stuff, but there aren't any like "look at these beta SJW cuck" type comedians that I know of.
Seems weird. There's obviously a market for it. And there are jokes to be made.
Ive only heard a little of their stuff, but they don't seem to really put a lot of politics into their shows. They talk about redneck stuff, but there aren't any like "look at these beta SJW cuck" type comedians that I know of.
Seems weird. There's obviously a market for it. And there are jokes to be made.
You were born a century too late.

Eh.. the bar has been set pretty low by the commander in chief
Part of me wants to feel bad for this SNL guy who is clearly a couple bad nights away from sucking on a glock, but really he got to bang Ariana Grande for a few months so serrafuckhim.gif
Eh I didn't think it was that bad. It's not like anyone watches SNL anymore anyways

I thought I heard Trump, not too long ago, state that the only reason SNL had great ratings was because of him.....
SNL is obviously totally liberal, but I hear people complain about this, and I don't understand what is holding back "conservative comedy". I don't even know of any conservative comedians.
I know Tim Allen and Vince Vaughn are conservative..but I don't know any conservative comedians that get on stage
Is there really a bias? Or do conservative comedians even exist?

They certainly exist....Jeff Foxworthy, Adam Corolla, Steven Crowder (your call on whether or not he's funny), but there's plenty more.

SNL used to be a very much "catch all" type of show where they made fun of EVERYBODY. Now it's pretty easy to see that the jokes are 99% one way. Whether or not that's a bias is up to you but it's pretty obvious to most people. I mean it's a New York show, so it's not really surprising that it's quite progressive / liberal since that is the target audience.

To each their own and I'm not bothered by it because I don't watch it. There was some comedy gold on SNL back in the day but it just became way too "forced." Cowbell was one of the funniest skits to ever grace television...and mind you it didn't have a single hint of political satire. Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze doing the Chip and Dales dance off? LMAO....again, it was comedy without bashing people politically.
I thought I heard Trump, not too long ago, state that the only reason SNL had great ratings was because of him.....
Tbf Baldwin's Trump impersonations are the best part of it. My gf watches them and weekend update and that's it
i just dont get why you shit on half your potential viewers. back in the day, dana carvey used to do the george bush thing and it was fun, and i dont think anyone was offended by it at all. but anything done now you can tell it is done in a mean spirited way. however, was there EVER a skit that made fun of obama? ever? i ask because i honestly dont know. i know someone did him, but i think it was always to show that he was the coolest person alive
He fucked up apologizing/explaining in the end of the joke.

The joke itself was alright...Most people just see a guy that looks like a pirate...they have no idea who the guy is...the joke worked...He does look like a hitman in a porno lol

I mean whats next?...we cant joke about anybodies apperance or life because perhaps there is a fucked up story behind it? no, it's a fucking joke....Now if he said "haha you lost your eye in war", then yes thats fucked up but this wasn't that case.

LMFAO @ pussy right wingers crying about this.

BTW just saw CNN crying about this too....But but I thought CNN hates right wingers!!! Its like the war room is full of shit lol
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I would give a shit.

But yall elected a draft dodger that also makes fun of Veterans AND POW'S.
I don't like SNL, and I think Davis is very annoying. But that is a pretty tame SNL joke, I'm not sure where anybody gets off being outraged by that one. Not to mention what everybody seems to have correctly pointed out, our president has said worse about our own veterans and nobody who is now outraged seeemed to care. I think a late night comedy show gets a bit more room to mock a veteran than the president.

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