So, is Trump making America Great Again so far?

Says the guy who always comments in every Trump thread
I’m injured still and have time since I’m not running or doing my leg days. You’ve got two weeks or so left. Look at the topics and tell me how devoting a large chunk of the threads in here to things that don’t matter is worth you’re time. The Haitians is the only thread where there is a real topic and it seems most people agree on it, even he trump haters. Should tell you something.
I think there's been one positive that shouldn't be overlooked. Though he's indirectly responsible for it..

He's got more people paying attention to politics and the government then ever before. That's a major positive while Hillary winning would have been the status quo of most people not caring and not knowing.

The government is being watched like a hawk as they should. Hopefully this continues on.
Refreshing to see someone else make this point. I argued the same to @Jack V Savage before Trump took office and noted it as the main reason I hoped Trump would win. Jack sneered at me, but I don't think even he could deny that the MSM has never been so persistently zoned in on another administration in our lifetimes.
Refreshing to see someone else make this point. I argued the same to @Jack V Savage before Trump took office and noted it as the main reason I hoped Trump would win. Jack sneered at me, but I don't think even he could deny that the MSM has never been so persistently zoned in on another administration in our lifetimes.
That is very true,controversy holds many eyes attention
It's going to take more than one term, might as well re-elect him for another term.
I’m injured still and have time since I’m not running or doing my leg days. You’ve got two weeks or so left. Look at the topics and tell me how devoting a large chunk of the threads in here to things that don’t matter is worth you’re time. The Haitians is the only thread where there is a real topic and it seems most people agree on it, even he trump haters. Should tell you something.

No one is forcing you to reply, but in every thread there you are.
The only thing Trump really provides is an example that regardless of the forces in opposition not everything is written in stone or hopeless. After all, if he could actually win the Presidency what can't be accomplished. Take that for what you will, good or bad.

I mean look, the House and the Senate are also controlled by "Conservatives" and yet Democrats are still able by an large to keep to their agendas locally or with judicial assistance stymieing many of his efforts nationally.
He has done far worse than I could have ever imagined. I didn't expect him to do a great job but I truly underestimated how stupid this man is.
I think there's been one positive that shouldn't be overlooked. Though he's indirectly responsible for it..

He's got more people paying attention to politics and the government then ever before. That's a major positive while Hillary winning would have been the status quo of most people not caring and not knowing.

The government is being watched like a hawk as they should. Hopefully this continues on.

I guess you also smear shit all over in the bathroom to get you to care about cleanliness.
He has done far worse than I could have ever imagined. I didn't expect him to do a great job but I truly underestimated how stupid this man is.
Let’s have a list of policies that have been enacted you disagree with
Very impressed with his judicial appointments.

Happy with most of his unraveling of Obama's executive orders.

Other than that, he hasn't done much.
Tribalism rears its ugly head
Let’s have a list of policies that have been enacted you disagree with
He hasn't done much of shit is the main problem. He is all talk. He speaks a great game and had some ideas on paper I totally agree with, but he's just saying what people want to hear.

Are murders down in Chicago? Nope
Is anything being done about the gang problems such as MS-13? Nope
He continues to embarrass us to death with his childish twitter post.
Nearly everyone now hates us or doesn't respect us
He is making tensions worse with international relations and even continuing the division in our own country
He has given away secrets to the true enemy Russia who will nuke us off the planet eventually.

What significant amount of good has he done for this country besides helping the 1%?
Heading in the right direction, a year is nothing in terms of the mess he inherited...

He did a curtsey, man!

All he needed was a dress to flare out to the sides...

Fucking manlets
Tribalism rears its ugly head
You took the term (tribal) I have been using for the die-hard Trump supporters.
Mind you, not your average Trump voter, just the die-hard Trump supporter who defends him no matter what. Same as the die-hard Roy Moore supporter.
He hasn't done much of shit is the main problem. He is all talk. He speaks a great game and had some ideas on paper I totally agree with, but he's just saying what people want to hear.

Are murders down in Chicago? Nope
Is anything being done about the gang problems such as MS-13? Nope
He continues to embarrass us to death with his childish twitter post.
Nearly everyone now hates us or doesn't respect us
He is making tensions worse with international relations and even continuing the division in our own country
He has given away secrets to the true enemy Russia who will nuke us off the planet eventually.

What significant amount of good has he done for this country besides helping the 1%?
What has he done to help the one percent? What’s passed?