Social Social habits or natural rules

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Jan 26, 2015
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As a species , would we be able to accept and consider it normal , if from the young age ,
we are learning that we could walk naked in public if we want if its too hot, or that we can say
i have to go to the bathroom to jerk one off, or to take a shit somewhere outside and just take care of it like you manage your dog habits etc...
Is it possible that our society accepts such behaviours , if no harm is done to no one ?
Or its in our nature that we are embarrassed if we are naked , or if want to spend a night in the park and sleep there, so other people and not offended or think its weird to behave like that ?
Very interesting question.

It seems like we naturally evolved that way. I think our ancestors we're doing all that as you said being naked or taking a shit out in the open.
Human feces is gross and i dont need to know when you go to jerk off. No one needs that image in his head. Whats next is your gonna ask for assistance jerking off. That is the slipperiest of slopes and thats why you dont shit on your carrots.
It's a little bit of both. Americans got this weird thing with nudity. It is too sexualized. It can't be appropriate in certain situations. I still do weird stuff like go into sauna with shorts on. If I am in one of those prison styled showers at the old college gym. I sometimes leave my shorts on. God forbid some little kid walks by for their swimming lessons and they see the mightiest penis in history. They would call the cops on me.