Staying In Daylight Saving Time A Good Idea?

Staying on it year-round is a horrible idea.

Getting up in the dark, showering & getting dressed while it's dark, driving to work when it's dark
No thanks

Damn son........
You don't pay for electricity?
Just chose one and stick with it.
I dont care which one.
its the time switching I mind.
Either way I don't care, just stop changing the time twice a year. Its pointless.

I seem to be the only person who likes this, the best photographic conditions are around sunset and the shifting time means this actually avoids it being around 6 pm very much so I don't mess up other peoples dinner plans out shooting.
A lot of companies in manufacturing in my area moved their first shift to 6:30 am vs 7 am so people could get out at 3 pm.

The idea for being home for their kids an getting home for some daylight before night.

There was a survey once that people found themselves more depressed when the clock changed hit.