Steinermania 287: HE'S FAT

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soooo someone please tell me what the appeal is to strong style????

and why the fuck is nakamura's finisher named after the capital of the democratic republic of congo??
Strong Style emphasizes stiffer strikes and more technical grappling. As someone who's trained in legit martial arts, it's hard watching sloppy ineffective shit and believing it.

It used to be called the Bomaye Knee, which was a reference to Antonio Inoki who originally introduced the strong style and NJPW. People used to chant Inoki Bomaye because he fought Ali in the 70's in a (very boring and awkward) shoot fight, and Ali passed the Ali Bomaye chant to him that the people of Kinshasa chanted to him in the streets before Rumble In the Jungle. So they renamed the knee in the WWE for branding purposes and Kinshasa was chosen. I dig it.
Also, fuck you guys.

I can't quit you. :(
i guess call me old school but i love the absurdity and selling of moves....not a fan of strong style or nakamura right now. im sure it'll change the more i watch it.

guess its just foreign to me

If you're not a fan of Japanese wrestling it's going to be harder to get adjusted to their style of wrestling. I saw Nakamura vs Ibushi match which everyone says is a '5 star classic' but I thought good but I have no idea why I was suppose to be blown away by it.
I was thinking the same thing
I dont see how you cant like strong style
Brody, Hansen, Vader>>>>>>>flippy midgets
Those dudes were AJPW, so they actually were King's Road style, they just happened to work stiff as hell.
i guess call me old school but i love the absurdity and selling of moves....not a fan of strong style or nakamura right now. im sure it'll change the more i watch it.

guess its just foreign to me
Strong Style doesn't mean you don't sell. It's more the realistic approach. Nakamura was selling a lot for Ty Dillinger or whatever that dudes name is, last night. It's more the techniques used.
If you're not a fan of Japanese wrestling it's going to be harder to get adjusted to their style of wrestling. I saw Nakamura vs Ibushi match which everyone says is a '5 star classic' but I thought good but I have no idea why I was suppose to be blown away by it.

It's like the PRIDE fanboys, it was a "5-Star Classic" because of where it was, not what it was. I remember guys suddenly acting as if Gan McGee was the shit as soon as he signed for PRIDE, but when he was in the UFC, he was a big, lumbering nobody with a shitty chin for a guy that size.
If you're not a fan of Japanese wrestling it's going to be harder to get adjusted to their style of wrestling. I saw Nakamura vs Ibushi match which everyone says is a '5 star classic' but I thought good but I have no idea why I was suppose to be blown away by it.
That's like not liking a 5 star steak as you chow down on Cheetos. It's cool, taste is subjective.
It's like the PRIDE fanboys, it was a "5-Star Classic" because of where it was, not what it was. I remember guys suddenly acting as if Gan McGee was the shit as soon as he signed for PRIDE, but when he was in the UFC, he was a big, lumbering nobody with a shitty chin for a guy that size.
That match would be amazing anywhere. I love seeing a match like that in ROH or NXT, and would like to see it on the main WWE show as well. That's just an incorrect statement altogether.
soooo someone please tell me what the appeal is to strong style????

and why the fuck is nakamura's finisher named after the capital of the democratic republic of congo??

I believe the finisher is named that because, it was initially called the "Bom-Ba-Ye" and, WWE being WWE wanted to trademark/make it their own so, that is the next best thing. Someone correct me if I am wrong?

I personally like a mix of strong-style and selling.

I was watching Wrestle Kingdom 10 the other night (not finished it yet, just had Anderson/Gallows.... they'll do ok in the Fed, I think) and, the first few matches, which were predominantly what I refer to as "Japanese style" were... meh, to me.

I appreciate the quiet crowd, who only clap and cheer when necessary, as opposed to the overly chanty US ones, but, it means the wrestlers have to fill the silence and, yelling your opponent's name or "FINISH!" and the like just seems goofy as fuck. And yes, I am aware of the irony of calling something in wrestling goofy.

There is also the bad trend of wrestling at the moment with multiple finisher kick-outs and shit. Maybe this is just cos it is the big show, but, that is just annoying. Just as bad as overly flippy shit or, beating the piss outta one another for the sake of it. Half of it is a concussion waiting to happen.

However, then Kenny Omega happens and, I would say he hits the perfect balance between western and eastern styles, with good selling, story telling and strong style moves.

That match would be amazing anywhere. I love seeing a match like that in ROH or NXT, and would like to see it on the main WWE show as well. That's just an incorrect statement altogether.

I didn't say you, so no idea why you're getting so defensive there.

But, at the same time, there is that hipsterish/weeaboo fanbase, which has this "This is bad, because it's WWE... this is good because it's not WWE", TNA fans were fuckers for it, there was a Youtube channel which would label EVERY video with "WWE Sucks! TNA Rules!"
Because nothing says "Good worker" like kicking guys as hard as you can, because, it's totally "Real" and "Legit", it's "Real Wrestling", by hurting guys, when your entire fucking job is NOT hurting people, whilst making it look like you are. The problem is, you have guys like Nakamura who can work that style, but because he's actually good at it, you have the idiots who then think "Oh, all I need to do is just kick the guy as hard as I can, lay my shit it!"

Case in point, everyone's favourite Wrestling Napoleon, Low Ki, made an appearance at an indie show, kicked the guy in the head as hard as he could and knocked the guy out. But, after seeing the guy was clearly out, Low Ki, like the piece of shit he is, got on the top rope, hit his finish anyway. Instead of the comments denouncing the actions of an incredibley selfish, and unsafe worker, the vast majority were along the lines of "That's real wrestling!" and "This is a message to the John Cena's of the world, you're not wrestlers, Low Ki is!"

Who here is saying things like that.
What's with this Steiner hate lately?
will say im kind of excited about enzo and cass vs american alphas
Who here is saying things like that.

Talking about this video, where Low Ki knocks a guy out, still hits his finish when the guy is well and truly fucked.

Then, look to the comments, which includes such pearls of wisdom as:

Low Ki vs. Brock Lesnar! Somebody book that shit!

HE GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT......fucking jobber

Damn, that kick! Low Ki is freaking awesome.

Ahtu is a shitty wrestler who needs to be humbled. Ki helped with that. don't bitch about people being reckless when you've never been in a match.

WWE fucked u with this dude. Low Ki is one of the most talented wrestlers I've ever seen. Always a joy to watch him.

Love Low Ki. Viscious nasty bugger. Sadistic and awesome just the way it should be. He should humiliate a few more jobbers

further proof that wwe only cares about appearance not skill

Low Ki rules.What a great REAL wrestler
I didn't say you, so no idea why you're getting so defensive there.

But, at the same time, there is that hipsterish/weeaboo fanbase, which has this "This is bad, because it's WWE... this is good because it's not WWE", TNA fans were fuckers for it, there was a Youtube channel which would label EVERY video with "WWE Sucks! TNA Rules!"
I seem to be judged in that way, here. I don't really see that too much, but I casually browse reddit sometimes and don't get in to it with a lot of the Internet community. You could be right, but I've dug the Japanese style since I was in middle school, back when I had a bias against Japan. I just think the work is objectively better, but it's taste so I'm not necessarily right. I could see a lot of week boos liking that it's Japan and nothing more, but I would assume that's a very small (albeit probably vocal) crowd.
My :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Smigg is gotten to by Strong Style

Not "Strong Style" in and of itself, it's like what William Regal said, "You need to go to someone who knows how to do it, and learn from them, you can't just watch it, and then say "Oh, I can do that", because you still can't do it, you're doing an imitation and it looks bad".

So, it's one thing where guys can actually do it, work that style and put on good matches, but these guys like Low Ki and Davey Richards who can't do that shit well, and just think it's "I'm gonna kick this guy as hard as I can, I'm not gonna sell shit, and we'll drop each other on our heads.... NOW THAT'S WRESTLING!!"
To be fair, presumably the only people looking Low Ki up on YouTube are going to be Low Ki fans.
Talking about this video, where Low Ki knocks a guy out, still hits his finish when the guy is well and truly fucked.

Then, look to the comments, which includes such pearls of wisdom as:

Oh, I don't at all doubt there are people saying things like that.

But I asked you who here is saying things like that.
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