Social Students walk out of Utah middle school to protest ‘furries’

Dude probably "buys in" every time the christians start clutching their pearls and do a moral panic. He probably thinks GTA will teach kids to murder, LGBT teachers are grooming children, litter boxes are in schools, and Satanic cults are on every block of his city.

Look how quickly the left rushes to attack Christians but rush to the defense of Muslims whenever they attack people or say death to America.
Seems so Black and White......<goldie>
Seems so Black and White......<goldie>
It is pretty black and white. A global cult of people that believe in an imaginary friend that tells them to hate and kill people, exist in my country by the tens of millions, and their fears and concerns are irrelevant to reality. They're delusional cultists prone to magical thinking. In the past they put women to the sword and to stake by the millions for "witchcraft". They're paranoid, delusional, psychotic, mentally ill cultists. When all of a sudden these frothing delusional cultists start accusing children of being "furries" and biting and scratching other children, I see it for what it is.
I am equally as disgusted by these kinds of freaks as any right winger on earth. The difference is that I'm not lead around by my emotions and my disgust reflex doesn't then become my guiding light for my politics and policy.

I wasn't aware that the furry community had so much pull with American politics. To be honest, I have no issue with their existence or their degenerate activities as long as they keep them private and as far away as possible from children.
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I wasn't aware that the furry community had so much pull with American politics. To be honest, I have no issue with their existence or their degenerate activities as long as they keep them private and as far away as possible from children.
What I said about your disgust reflex applies to any other group you're disgusted by. Not just furries.
9 pages in and no pics of the furries in the school?
Its 2024 people!
We need pics of the furries in said school.
Not people talking about them.
9 pages in and no pics of the furries in the school?
Its 2024 people!
We need pics of the furries in said school.
Not people talking about them.

Whoah whoah whoah...we were told this was going to be a big problem, we dont need to actually require evidence that it happened in an age of surveillance and where every kid has a phone with a camera.

This story is just meant to give you the heebiejeebies and then you run with it and make political decisions in that state.
It is pretty black and white. A global cult of people that believe in an imaginary friend that tells them to hate and kill people, exist in my country by the tens of millions, and their fears and concerns are irrelevant to reality. They're delusional cultists prone to magical thinking. In the past they put women to the sword and to stake by the millions for "witchcraft". They're paranoid, delusional, psychotic, mentally ill cultists. When all of a sudden these frothing delusional cultists start accusing children of being "furries" and biting and scratching other children, I see it for what it is.

It might be time to see a therapist dude.
Yeah this isn't a real story, is it? It all sounds bullshit to me.
The famous Christian victim complex strikes again.

Muslims are a minority in America. Christians are the religious majority and a huge power base. I don't spend my time demonizing groups that don't have any power. I get it though that that is ALL right wingers do. Attack minority groups with no power. If Muslims were the dominant majority in the US spreading moral panics and clutching their pearls about everything then I'd be making fun of them too.
You would not be making fun of Muslims if they had power because they would execute you.
You would not be making fun of Muslims if they had power because they would execute you.

For 8 years, chuds like you, ran around screaming that Obama was Muslim.
But yet, he didn’t execute you.
Seems like a bunch of kids conjured up a fake reason to walk out of school so they didn’t have to go to class and for some reason the story spread like wildfire.