Stupid finishing moves


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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What are some of the dumbest finishing moves they've come up with?

Take Hulk Hogan's leg drop for example. When everyone else does a leg drop the fight continues, it usually does nothing significant in the match and is just in there with all the other moves they do .... but when Hogan drops the exact same leg drop you're fucking incapacitated ???


fucking wrestling
What are some of the dumbest finishing moves they've come up with?

Take Hulk Hogan's leg drop for example. When everyone else does a leg drop the fight continues, it usually does nothing significant in the match and is just in there with all the other moves they do .... but when Hogan drops the exact same leg drop you're fucking incapacitated ???


fucking wrestling

Instant fail.

You think you'd get up from a 300 pound American hero dropping his ass on your head and neck?


I think not.

Good thread though......
Gts, scrapbuster, the worm, t-bone suplex, the worlds strongest slam, body splash, hurri-chokeslam, stinger drop
I never really got the final cut when big show was using it. Thankfully it transitioned to a signature.
Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Gradunza

Nah that move is awesome

The Unprettier!
The Worm, whilst stupid, got some epic pops back in the day.

I'm voting The Khallas, or any other shit finisher that looks devoid of impact and is impossible to look forward to.

That Jinder bullshit is the weakest finish off all. Like a half ass RKO which is already shit.
Peoples' elbow was alway weak as shit because the guy taking it could have recovered, gone to Starbucks, discussed the coffee with the barista, drank it and come back before Rock finished.
On the other hand I'd be scared as fuck to take a Kinshasa because that shit shoot does injure you.
Let’s not forget the FU, Edge spear, that retarded Russian leg sweep to armbar by Marcus for von, stfu, I haven’t watched pro wrestling in years so idk the newer guys but that’s some more weak or lame finishers