Law Substitute teacher KO's student for using racial slur

If anyone squares up like the kid did, there are only two options. It's really hard for a man to back down at that point. I get the first shot, but that should have been the end of it. We all know he likely gets charged, arrested, fired, and screwed over because some kid thought he could fight a teacher.

As far as the N Word goes, Blacks should stop using it themselves if they don't want others to either. The younger generations think it's alright, because it's been made common to them in rap, entertainment, and social media.
The kid might've had it coming but it'll be worse for the teacher, no doubt.
Where is this video? Video in the OP is 30 seconds and they are already squared up when it starts. Only shows the kid throwing a couple shitty punches before the KO. Either way, teacher is an idiot for the follow up shot on the ground.

^This, and i'm pretty sure the kid is like 14 or 15 years old. Kids are assholes, but if you can't keep yourself calm in a situation like that, you shouldn't be working with kids.
Like I said, sorry you can't think beyond such simple black and white terms. There are garbage parents of all political ideologies, and if you really understood the issue, you would know it has nothing to do with that. Its the fact that smartphones are designed to be as stimulating and addicting as possible, and society at large thinks nothing of giving children unrestricted access to them.

Here's a device that is more advanced and powerful than anything humans have had access to for virtually all of human history. They're specifically designed to be as addictive as possible, and use advanced artificial intelligence to capture your attention, regardless of what interests you. You can see the worst of humanity in high definition, the most depraved acts of sex that most people would never engage in, the most horrific violence one can imagine, and the thoughts of all sorts of absolutely insane, terrible, or just plain moronic people in seconds. And what do we do with that technology? Give it to every child in America.

Seriously, talk to some teachers about this. Kids have always had a short attention span, but its gotten orders of magnitude worse, and that is a direct result of the constant stimulation you get from staring at smartphone for hours on end.

You think a conservative worldview promotes human replacing technology, or you think it comes from the minds of bored, misanthropic progressives? (note the common theme of discontentedness amongst many left leaning minds of various affiliations and "marginalized" groups)

I have two kids bud, I'm well aware of the problems with cell phones and my wife and I are quite strict with the amount of time they are allowed in front of screens of any kind. They're most certainly a huge factor, but you need to go deeper.
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I have too, but at least I’m not seeing conservative parents encouraging their kids to castrate themselves.

- Trans kids arent common on the left here. I think its a north american phenom!:eek: