The 30 Day - No Soda Challenge... can you do it?

if you looked at eveyone who made it to live over a 100 i would bet they all drank soda

enjoy life.

I'm a free spirited eater and drinker that enjoys life. That said, soda is fucking disgusting and I only tolerate it occasionally with booze. Don't have to drink soda pop to enjoy life.
Apart from diet tonic with vodka I've probably not had a soda in 2ish months? I didn't really understand it was an addiction till this thread.
I go 30 days without soda fairly regularly. My body can't handle the acidity.
Easily. Only pop I drink is as mix with my liquor, and I'm usually drinking beer so.. I probably go 30 days without all the time.

If I ain't drinking beer it's water or milk.