The 30 Day - No Soda Challenge... can you do it?

Ace of Spade

Purple Belt
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Are you a soda fanatic... or are you someone who still has a soda every now and then but wants to completely quit... well nows the time and this thread is for you.

The 30 Day - No Soda Challenge

Yep... 30 days of no Soda... do you think you can do?

1. Do you have the will power to withstand the cravings?

2. Are you addicted to Soda?

3. Is Soda the only beverage that taste good to you?

Maybe it's time to "Rethink Your Drink"?

How much sugar do you really need in your drink?

Are you a Diet Soda drinker?

Who's ready to go... "30 Days of No Soda"

This thread can be used to keep track of everyones progress... or everyones slip ups...

"Day 15 for me!"...

"Day 28... this is easier than I thought"

"Fuck... I slipped up... 10 days down the drain"

"Yes!... I did it... 30 days no soda!... FUCK YOU ACE!"

LOL... at the last quote... but if any of you heavy soda drinkers can go 30 days without any soda I want you to come to this thread and post this....

"30 days... No Soda!... FUCK YOU ACE!"

Once you post that... you have proven to me and the forum members... but most of all yourself... that you can stop drinking soda.

So... who's ready for the challenge?
In before 'I never drink pop. I am the alpha of nutrition' crowd.
Pepsi brought back the vanilla Pepsi for the summer and its made with cane sugar instead of syrup....Haven't found one yet but I'm gonna drink that bitch
I rarely have it now so this would be no problem.

30 days with no beer on the other hand...
Good luck to those who have accepted the challenge... and remember... the battle isn't with the soda... the real fight is the one with yourself.

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In before 'I never drink pop. I am the alpha of nutrition' crowd.

Meh, I spent most of my life not drinking pop. Papa told me beer was better for me - I think he's right. I drink pop sometimes now, but only diet stuff.

Not participating. Wouldn't be a challenge. Not an "alpha of nutrition either," just one of those people who wasn't raised drinking the stuff like water. Beer and tea on the other hand, different story.
just ha a bunch of rum and coke tonight
I could do this easily............if........rum and Pepsi wasn't my weekend habit. So, no go.

I am having one right now.

Starting tomorrow.

Starting tomorrow.

lol... Good luck with the challenge.

Discover How Much Sugar You Might Be Drinking Daily

Did you know a single 12-ounce can of soda can have as much sugar as three servings of Frosted Flakes breakfast cereal or one cup of chocolate ice cream? The easiest way to visualize the sugar content in sodas is to use either teaspoons of sugar or even sugar cubes.

The U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has clear guideline on sugar content in most drinks. Teaspoons of sugar are in relation to a single 12-ounce serving.

Sports Drink
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dont drink soda. havent touched it for several yrs now

wheres my trophy?
I'm on board. Hard one is no fast food.