Media The Best and Funniest TUF moments of all time (Merged)

"The last thing the UFC needs is another boring ass wrestler!!!" -Junie Browing

Andy Wangs whole "hey man, they're gonna look at me and say 'that's a warrior' and then immediately cutting to him crying like a girl

"You'se a sucka"
"Treat me like a sucka"
"Come lick on me then!"
-Rampage and Rashad
Wes Sims had some good ones when he was on, can't recite them verbatim though.
CoGar vs Teymur at 145. MAKE IT HAPPEN DANA!
Battle of the cumbags. CoGar via JCVD hook kick.
Season 5 episode 3 go watch that one their is a black guy named Corey who is an absolute nut, so damn funny
"Vote in off, beat him off"- Dana on Junie
"you fatherless bastard" Bobby Southworth TUF1

That was actually a scumbag move.
No it wasn't... Dude had his kid taking away for beating it, and then tried to manipulate the situation to his ends by crying about it on camera.

War Tony "Where's your kid at?" Ferguson.
"Knee him in the ass!"
"Don't let him knee you in the ass!"

Rampage apologizing to the door he destroyed

"he's trying to get your booty!"
Oh yeah that Dave Kaplan guy that wanted a guy to hit him while drunk, he gets absolutely slept and then in the interviews he was all like "no I wasn't knocked out"
Kap: I guarantee you can’t knock me out!
Tom: you sure about this
Kap: do it!

Tom: kaplan...kap..kap
(Kaplan finally regains consciousness)
Tom: kap were you out?
Kaplan: nah man, you got me pretty good tho

Fucking hilarious