News The Brazil UFC event went so badly that the they have cancelled their planned May event

Not exactly a hype card.

Glover is old and he's no Anderson Silva, Wanderlei Silva, Vitor, Shogun, Aldo etc

I didn't even tune in to watch the glover/hill fight
Like I mentioned, the ticket prices were the cost of the average Brazilian monthly wage. Would you pay 1/12 of your yearly income to go to a UFC event?
I guess what I meant was, why were these decisions made? Was there just no oversight or what?
I guess what I meant was, why were these decisions made? Was there just no oversight or what?
The UFC is in a habit of upping prices to astronomical levels. Have you seen the London prices? Like a 50% increase since the pandemic. The UFC is never going back to the globe-trotting company it was pre-pandemic.
The UFC is in a habit of upping prices to astronomical levels. Have you seen the London prices? Like a 50% increase since the pandemic. The UFC is never going back to the globe-trotting company it was pre-pandemic.
Eh, never say never
Your threads today are awesome man, keep it up. Also damn, wonder why this event tanked?
The card was awful on paper and the tickets prices were insane.

Hell, people are complaining about the ticket prices for the london PPV, I'm sure it will sold out since that's a first world country but it's pretty telling that what everyone was talking about when tickets went on sale was the high prices.
Good. Fuck those dudes?1??1??1?

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