The downfall of Dinesh D'Souza

This seems like a well thought out argument. Could you expand on it, good sir?
I will, if @Devout Pessimist doesn't mind. Since we've had waves of immigrants from Italy, Ireland,and currently aren't even allowed to ask who somebody is if they come from Mexico, it's more than dubious to put them on the hook for slavery and ask them to pay for reparations. I'm 2 generations removed from a HS janitor, so I should not be on the hook for slave owners. We've had way more black people voluntarily move here than were brought here during the slave trade, so race-based policies make no sense because they're unrelated to any inequality you're trying to solve.
I find humor in the concept of a "downfall of D'Souza". I didn't know he was ever high on the hill. Maybe after cherry picking something where he was up against a kid out of the general public, he could pass as something that resembles an intellectual. I think he's ok if he sticks to Ben Shapiro's level of opposition.

In somewhat serious debate, i recall him taking on Hitchens. I remember it being as one sided as Tyson-Spinks, or Duran-Moore. D'Souza was outright pathetic.
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I still go back once in awhile and watch the video of D'Souza completely destroying a lefty lunatic. It is epic how the cheers of the audience supporting the student eventually grow to complete silence each time D'Souza drops truth bombs. D'Souza strikes the killing blow when he points out that the student is a hypocrite because he wants everyone else to do what he himself is completely unwilling to do.

The title of the video is not hyperbole. This is the brutal dismantling of a smug, self-righteous, hypocritical, leftist college kid.

You dorks all cream your jeans when one of your so called “intellectuals” destroys some 20 year old junior in college.

But that makes complete sense for right wing “intellectuals.”
You’re a few years late with this thread. Obama’s DOJ already sniped him. Now he’s moved past it, Trump pardoned him, and his stock is rising. Cry about it.
You’re a few years late with this thread. Obama’s DOJ already sniped him. Now he’s moved past it, Trump pardoned him, and his stock is rising. Cry about it.

They sniped him for clearly violating campaign finance law, which is something any thinking person would welcome on both sides, on a massive scale.

Trump pardoned the guy after he served his time. It's the reverse Obama Nobel Prize for dullards.
You’re a few years late with this thread. Obama’s DOJ already sniped him. Now he’s moved past it, Trump pardoned him, and his stock is rising. Cry about it.

Dudes' wounds have left him on tilt. Scarred for life.
What is it about the right and their "appeals" to actual authority? Whenever they get caught and THE LAW tells them they're bad they go to pieces. I'm all for an orderly society but to equate legality to morality is just absurd. Why is it the be all and end all for the right?
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Certainly, old chap. There are people on the left who condemn others for being privileged and suggest that privileged people should give up their cushy lifestyles so that so-called oppressed can have an opportunity to live a more privilege life. These same people often live very comfortable lives and will not take the lead when it comes to giving up their privileged lives for an oppressed person.

There is also white people who talk about how we are all living on stolen land, but they take full advantage of the benefits that resulted in the theft. They will neither give up their comforts to a native person nor will they leave the land that was stolen. They just take pleasure in riding a moral high-horse and condemning others.

My point is that many of these lefties who condemn others over privilege and expect them to make sacrifices for the oppressed should lead by example by either giving up the privileges they admittedly did not earn or leave the country entirely. Talk is cheap.
Lefty here. This is a thing. Not isolated to the left of course, but yeah it bugs me too just like when righties rail against benefits but they take full advantage the second they quality and can benefit. Plenty of libs have skin in the game and are voting to increase their own taxes etc. as well.

In environmental circles I cant stand the people railing on about how humans are a cancer on the earth when they themselves don't take major actions to decrease their footprint. Really it is just slacktivism in general that bugs me
D'Souza can be controversial and he was very hard on Obama which certainly incensed the left but he's still a solid Conservative intellectual, imo. He's probably right that the Obama DOJ was corrupt and abused their power by prosecuting him. In a recent interview he described it as the left "using the weapons of the state" against political opponents.

D'Souza > Frum.
I still go back once in awhile and watch the video of D'Souza completely destroying a lefty lunatic. It is epic how the cheers of the audience supporting the student eventually grow to complete silence each time D'Souza drops truth bombs. D'Souza strikes the killing blow when he points out that the student is a hypocrite because he wants everyone else to do what he himself is completely unwilling to do.

The title of the video is not hyperbole. This is the brutal dismantling of a smug, self-righteous, hypocritical, leftist college kid.

One of my favorite D'Souza vids. The line where he says, "You (meaning sanctimonious leftists) want to force everyone through the power of the state to adhere to your moral values but you never turn the moral lens onto yourself to take action" is brilliant, imo. Not an exact quote, but it was similar to that.
Hilarious how people on the left take this as evidence of their purity. You idiots are literally playing the same old-school power game.
One of my favorite D'Souza vids. The line where he says, "You (meaning sanctimonious leftists) want to force everyone through the power of the state to adhere to your moral values but you never turn the moral lens onto yourself to take action" is brilliant, imo. Not an exact quote, but it was similar to that.

You have a low standard for brilliance if you think inanity like the above is brilliant. The criticism is nebulous, and could just as easily be trodden forth as a shitty critique of the right wing, being the party of the religious right and all.
If anything D'Souza has become emergent in recent months since his backlash on the recent teen shootings. He is just getting upstaged by younger players who joined the party like Shapiro, Kirk, Candace etc.
Certainly, old chap. There are people on the left who condemn others for being privileged and suggest that privileged people should give up their cushy lifestyles so that so-called oppressed can have an opportunity to live a more privilege life. These same people often live very comfortable lives and will not take the lead when it comes to giving up their privileged lives for an oppressed person.

There is also white people who talk about how we are all living on stolen land, but they take full advantage of the benefits that resulted in the theft. They will neither give up their comforts to a native person nor will they leave the land that was stolen. They just take pleasure in riding a moral high-horse and condemning others.

My point is that many of these lefties who condemn others over privilege and expect them to make sacrifices for the oppressed should lead by example by either giving up the privileges they admittedly did not earn or leave the country entirely. Talk is cheap.
You are so full of Youtube right wing bullshit that its unbelievable. Also try talking about something without the word smug, you sound like a pissed off right winger who was told he was useless at some point and couldn't deal with it.
Manhattan judge on Monday ordered Dinesh D’Souza, best known for documentaries critical of President Obama, to continue four more years of community service, as well as psychological counseling.

D’Souza was sentenced in September to eight months in a work-release center, five years of probation, a $30,000 fine and community service after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations in May 2014. He had arranged "straw donors" to contribute $10,000 to the failed 2012 U.S. Senate campaign of his college friend Wendy Long.

The psychiatrists D’Souza was first ordered to see found no signs of depression, but U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman overruled their findings and ordered D'Souza see a new psychological counselor weekly.

“I’m not singling out Mr. D’Souza to pick on him,” Judge Berman said. “A requirement for psychological counseling often comes up in my hearings in cases where I find it hard to understand why someone did what they did."

He continued: “That Mr. D’Souza committed this crime involves a colossal failure of insight and introspection. The case notes also say Mr. D’Souza has weaknesses in controlling his own impulses and that he is prone to anger in reaction to criticism."

D'Souza can be controversial and he was very hard on Obama which certainly incensed the left but he's still a solid Conservative intellectual, imo. He's probably right that the Obama DOJ was corrupt and abused their power by prosecuting him. In a recent interview he described it as the left "using the weapons of the state" against political opponents.

D'Souza > Frum.

If you're serious about D'souza being a "solid conservative intellectual" then it explains a lot in regards to the crap conservatives will swallow.

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