The (DYEL Status) Pub

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What weight class people compete in doesn't really have anything to do with not caring about the rules.

What was the breakdown, lift wise, of your ~1300 total?
It becomes less gay once you actually get good at it.
Each ti his own I guess, I mean, I dont know why sombody over the age of 10 would freeze their post count at 666 for months or put their location as "eternia" or why people put skeletor quotes on their posts but people is going to people.

And I actually agree with you about how you would rather not have a pet because the loss sucks, I felt the same way after my last animals died but new animals have a way of picking you sometimes rather than the other way around.

Still waiting for you to respond to my earlier statement.

Do you have a problem with me? if you do, feel free to share.
Not dodging anything, just been out for the day because we finally got some decent weather was 61 today. And remember too, Im in a completely different time zone as you all.

Aleks: Nope, I don't have a problem with you and I actually like reading the stuff you post generally, I just don't understand the He man stuff, I actually had to google Eternia.

As for my total at the comp, I pulled 545 (I only ever pulled over 500 3 times and each time it was at the same lifting meet at the Uni I work at), the squat was 485 (also my PR) and the bench was 270.

That was about a year and a half ago and for a long time before that I was working out with the local university club so I had some really good training partners. It was fun and I still go work out with those guys occasionally but I actually havn't pulled over 485 since then as I mostly focus on the local kickboxing circuit as I can actually make a bit of side cash here.

The Uni meet is coming up again about 6 months from now and Im going to do it because the students expect me to but Im not going to focus on just that so Im not expecting a PR, but as long as I get over a thousand, Im cool with that.
Sad times. I went out for a day and a half. Just got home now at 11pm. I thought I'd check my possum. Poor fella has died. Must have been crawling there to die from the beginning??? Sad sight, he's stretched out half a metre from his corner. I wonder why he moved. At least he got to eat that apple. A sweet day! RIP.
Sad times. I went out for a day and a half. Just got home now at 11pm. I thought I'd check my possum. Poor fella has died. Must have been crawling there to die from the beginning??? Sad sight, he's stretched out half a metre from his corner. I wonder why he moved. At least he got to eat that apple. A sweet day! RIP.

Thats a bummer. At least he got the apple though.
Daylight Savings time is ON here in Cali. So it's basically summer now.
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