The Jordan Peterson Thread - V2 -

"Too look pretty" isn't a perfect, all-emcompassing reasoning, but it's short, sweet, and proves another point: we probably shouldn't be overthinking petty shit like women's makeup.

But if we want to be more thorough, that's easy: in the workplace, your presentation plays a very very big part in how people treat you and how you can advance your career. If a woman wakes up, barely washes her face and goes straight to work, people are going to look down on her. That's just a fact. Not just men, women also (in fact women are often more judgemental about this kind of stuff).

So yeah, women (and men) shape their appearence according to how they want to be viewed and treated by everyone around them.

And I'll keep saying anyone seriously believing that "stimulating sexual arousal" is more than 1% (and that's generous) of the reason why a woman might wear makeup is a neanderthal that took those Wikipedia articles on evolutionary behavioral science a little bit too seriously and is starting to sound like a creep, specially if it's to justify certain behaviors. Again, lipstick is just one small part of makeup and at the workplace it is often not even red. Starting a conversation about sexual misconduct at the workplace and bringing up red lipstick simulating sexual arousal is monumentally stupid and a pointless tangent.

For the record, I like some of Peterson's work, even if at this point he has become so incredibly overrated.
Also, immediately after this interview, he tweeted a picture of his own daughter with red lipstick on. After what he said, I dunno how we should all interpret that.
Thank you for completely missing the point on virtually everything he has stated. I know not to read your posts. I really appreciate it.
Of course I missed the point! To disagree with Peterson is to not be familiar with him, and to not understand him! One can't understand what he says and disagree!
A guy who gives extremely generic and commonplace self-help advice to disenfranchised and angry young men. It's revolutionary to them, because they have nothing to compare him to. They've never heard of Joseph Campbell, I guess.

He got in on the YouTube personality game by arguing against a law designed to protect trans people from discrimination, and parlayed that into a career creating some postmodern androgynous communist boogeyman, or some shit, that is out to control the minds of Americans. This is extra useful for the credulous right-wingers looking for meaning in their lives which he abuses.

For $100 a month you can get put on a queue to talk to him on Skype, or you can shell out $20 to take a simplistic personality test he offers in the meantime. Don't forget to donate to his Patreon, where he pulls in like $75,000 a month to make YouTube videos. Oh, also he'll sell you a piece of rug for $2,000.

You should know that your posts on this topic are very boring.
Dunno what you're talking about here. A clip was shown in which Peterson said something that was, quite frankly, retarded. Like, the kind of thing you'd hear from the creep who works in the IT department. You see, Jenna from HR had this white belt over her black dress today. The color contrast is supposed to enhance her hip to waist ratio and maker her look more fertile as a female. Painted eyelids make her eyes look brighter, almost dilated. That and pink lipstick make her look sexually aroused. She smells nice too, probably some kind of pheromone perfume. I'm totally on to her intentions. The kind of thing to which most reasonable people would respond "what in name of fuck are you on about dude". Even the interviewer had this befuddled look.

Now, I'm not judging his work on the basis of this statement. Doesn't really change my opinion of his "clean your room" material: it's fine, definitely not the best nor the first at this kind of inspirational work. I like his thoughts on politics and religion, even as an atheist.

Still, that clip was bad. Really, really bad.

He even manages to mess up the "clean your room" material. Many women being attracted to men with confidence seems pretty obvious. People don't need to hear about the evolutionary history of lobsters to understand it.
Maybe it goes in your room and stays clean all the time?

Speaking of which, he really should have used something else as the backdrop besides for a dirty classroom floor.

But whatever, can't argue with Dr. Friedlander's skill at fleecing rubes.

JP cult members use a variation of the Narcissist Prayer to defend him.

That didn't happen
And if it did, it wasn't that bad
And if it was, that's not a big deal
And if it is, that's not my fault
And if it was, I didn't mean it
And if I did, you deserved it

Some classic HOLA ranting

Peterson is everywhere these days. Apparently just did an interview with Russel Brand

Some classic HOLA ranting

Peterson is everywhere these days. Apparently just did an interview with Russel Brand

Can't wait to see this. Brand had also Sam Harris recently.
JP cult members use a variation of the Narcissist Prayer to defend him.

That didn't happen
And if it did, it wasn't that bad
And if it was, that's not a big deal
And if it is, that's not my fault
And if it was, I didn't mean it
And if I did, you deserved it


Let me know when your Microsoft paint book comes out.

There's so much projection going on in this thread about his "cult".

Also, it is funny that people don't have the intellectual curiosity to invest time to listen to his lectures, but they do have a huge emotional investment and spend huge amounts of time hating on the guy.

There's so much projection going on in this thread about his "cult".

Also, it is funny that people don't have the intellectual curiosity to invest time to listen to his lectures, but they do have a huge emotional investment and spend huge amounts of time hating on the guy.

mmmhmm. Everyone who hates on him has never even listened to him. They just arbitrarily decided to hate him.

That black and white, simplistic reasoning is one of the hallmarks of a cult. You guys seriously can't fathom people actually listen or read what he says and aren't impressed, or are even appalled by what they see.

I mean - a self-help cult that uses personality tests and has an infallible leader has a precedent with Scientology, ya know? I just hope you lobsterpeople don't boil yourself alive in a pot somewhere in Canada.

The bottom line of why he's so famous all of a sudden is for one specific reason, and that isn't his generic self-help or terrible philosophical opinions. It's because he criticizes leftists, and it feels good for the alt-right (sorry...alt-lite) who hold bigoted and ignorant opinions to have a somewhat articulate spokesman for once. "Reeeeeee!" must get really old after a while.

But at the end of the day, his views on the relationship between sexes, for example, is the same shit written on The Red Pill at Reddit. He just makes better use of a thesaurus.
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mmmhmm. Everyone who hates on him has never even listened to him. They just arbitrarily decided to hate him.

That black and white, simplistic reasoning is one of the hallmarks of a cult. You guys seriously can't fathom people actually listen or read what he says and aren't impressed, or are even appalled by what they see.

I mean - a self-help cult that uses personality tests and has an infallible leader has a precedent with Scientology, ya know? I just hope you lobsterpeople don't boil yourself alive in a pot somewhere in Canada.

The bottom line of why he's so famous all of a sudden is for one specific reason, and that isn't his generic self-help or terrible philosophical opinions. It's because he criticizes leftists, and it feels good for the alt-right (sorry...alt-lite) who hold bigoted and ignorant opinions to have a somewhat articulate spokesman for once. "Reeeeeee!" must get really old after a while.

But at the end of the day, his views on the relationship between sexes, for example, is the same shit written on The Red Pill at Reddit. He just makes better use of a thesaurus.
Like I said. Emotional investment.

Like I said. Emotional investment.

yeah. I'm just a hater. Maybe you lobsters should put up a "stop the hate" commercial at next year's Super Bowl, alongside Xenu's boys.
A guy who gives extremely generic and commonplace self-help advice to disenfranchised and angry young men. It's revolutionary to them, because they have nothing to compare him to. They've never heard of Joseph Campbell, I guess.

He got in on the YouTube personality game by arguing against a law designed to protect trans people from discrimination, and parlayed that into a career creating some postmodern androgynous communist boogeyman, or some shit, that is out to control the minds of Americans. This is extra useful for the credulous right-wingers looking for meaning in their lives which he abuses.

For $100 a month you can get put on a queue to talk to him on Skype, or you can shell out $20 to take a simplistic personality test he offers in the meantime. Don't forget to donate to his Patreon, where he pulls in like $75,000 a month to make YouTube videos. Oh, also he'll sell you a piece of rug for $2,000.

I completely agree with you.

The American right wing have a unique way of taking care of its "own" people, they are also very gullible,generally low informed and they have money. This breed a special kind of charlatan that pray on those people, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh,Bill O Rilley, Glen beck,Milo etc. They have gotten incredible rich selling them bullshit (literally shit products like pins,coffee mugs,hats t-shirts) there is no equivalency on the left, we just don't tend to throw money at people we agree with.

Im starting to think JB. Peterson is the new more sophisticated version of this, the right have craved an actual intellectual that defend their traditional values. Peterson fills that void and cashing in on it. He also plays the Dave Rubin role of being a "liberal" that only criticizes the left and defend the right.
He very rarely criticize the right even thou they have plenty of crazy.

A guy who gives extremely generic and commonplace self-help advice to disenfranchised and angry young men. It's revolutionary to them, because they have nothing to compare him to. They've never heard of Joseph Campbell, I guess.

He got in on the YouTube personality game by arguing against a law designed to protect trans people from discrimination, and parlayed that into a career creating some postmodern androgynous communist boogeyman, or some shit, that is out to control the minds of Americans. This is extra useful for the credulous right-wingers looking for meaning in their lives which he abuses.

For $100 a month you can get put on a queue to talk to him on Skype, or you can shell out $20 to take a simplistic personality test he offers in the meantime. Don't forget to donate to his Patreon, where he pulls in like $75,000 a month to make YouTube videos. Oh, also he'll sell you a piece of rug for $2,000.

What's wrong with his personality test?