The PR Thread!

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I can't wait for your squat PR on the've got me all worked up by talking about it all spring ;)
congrats Jarv- you're a fucking tank.
Hell yeah. My mom is coming over the witness the 550 squat haha.

In much sadder news I missed 500lb deadlift for the second time today. It freaking blows. I'm going to start deadlifts off of plates and increase my volume a bit. Maybe do some pullthroughs.
I think you should replace your dead with GM's for a few weeks, then work up on three weeks with (1+1+1), (1+1) and single max respectively. You might be neurally overtrained. Deads are extremely taxing to the nervous system.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a CNS thing. I pulled 490 like a beast two weeks ago and 500 was too much. It really just has to be that. Looks like my heavy singles finally got to me.

That's fine, after the 550 squat I'll be upping volume and lowering intensity on both my squat and deadlift workouts.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am the man!

Just kidding. But I did grind out a 550 squat a few minutes ago! HAH!
congrats bro. that's pretty fucking heavy.

But now I have to increase my squat approx 55lbs to beat you.....damn ;)
good work BJJ..

I got myself a triple at 242lbs in benchpress with competition style stops and form.
Nice pull BJJ. 400 isn't that too far up the road for ya. Not really.

Good job with the pressing too Jarfi.
Good job Jarv. I felt like i could do more but my grip isn't that good. I am working on that.

A question to Jarv not pertaining to lifting- why did "Jarfi" get banned way back?

I would like to get this off my chest- that my shoulders are fucking weak. My military press sucks ass. That is all now.
I was banned after a misunderstanding regarding a fight I wanted to see. I asked wether anyone knew if it were available to watch anywhere or anyhow...this lead a mod to ban me for 'tape trading'.
By the time the misconception was cleared I had posts enough to put up an avatar, so I didn't care anymore...ppl knew that J
Don't let him fool you, he was posting up mad naked pics of 13 year olds in the multimedia forum.
Oh ya man, i almost got banned a while back for that too.

damnit..I admit...they were 11
I'm going to start the program you made for me, Jarv in about 2 weeks. Keep ya posted.
Hi everyone, this is my first post but ive been reading along for a couple of weeks now and there seems to be a lot of knowledgable people on this forum and some good topics.
Im 20, Bench 330lbs
Deadlift 528lbs
Dont squat but i'm fairly strong on other leg exercises.
wellcome onboard ;) cagefighter

how heavy are you? those are some very decent lifts for your age.

you definately should start squatting.
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