There has been an outrage on twitter about a girl who wore Chinese dress in prom

Is there really “outrage” over this, or is it like one or two people on Twitter?
More like an outrage from the easily triggered on stormdog.
Nobody cares about some stupid twitter account talking about a dress.


Any Chinese here feels strongly about this? Plus, should I be outraged about this Asian guy wearing a baseball cap? because after all, THAT's MY CULTURE!

I give up. I'll have to go on another news hiatus. Back in 08' I had to stop reading news altogether and got out of politics for almost three years. I had to do it because the abyss of human stupidity at every corner started staring back at me. It's happening again - we're reaching another apex moment. As I felt then, so I do now again - we need to go extinct.
Asian here. Don't care.
The voice of his people has spoken, case closed.

As noted, if this Jeremy Lam guy is going to complain over this, there better not be any pictures of him wearing western clothes on the interwebs.
I think she looks cute. Now if she wore a dress with Sprite logo and had a grill and cornrows.......
Don't have much to say regarding the cultural appropriation aspect.

But I find weeaboos (Japanese-obsessed non-Japanese folks) and other wannabe Asians annoying as all fuck!
Just so y'all know, the next time I see any of you squatting - and god help you if it's in Adidas track pants - you'll be reported and some even deported. As a Slav, I will not abide flagrant gopnik culture appropriation
I don't understand all this cultural appropriation bullshit. If you all want to wrap yourself up in a union jack flag and go to Arby's fucking have at it, I won't care in the least.
if somebody wore my culture's dress for a special event in their life, I would be proud.
wtf is wrong with people?
More proof the left is mentally ill.
I don't understand all this cultural appropriation bullshit. If you all want to wrap yourself up in a union jack flag and go to Arby's fucking have at it, I won't care in the least.

Dude, right there with you. I feel like we've got all this energy for useless outrage and yet, somehow, when big, actual issues are at stake, everyone's like meh. This is how status quo remains status quo - by people dissipating energy on USELESS. FUCKING.
SHIT. We have a guy running the country who's an extremely dangerous and dumb cunt, and we're arguing over people wearing shit now?

Tells you a number of things, but mainly this - people do not give a flying fuck about each other. At all. If they did, they would understand what is and what isn't a threat to their day-to-day life. Some ignorant kid wearing what she believes is a cool-looking Chinese culture-inspired dress is NOT an existential threat - but nobody cares because everybody is in the business of promoting their own brand, their own agenda, all the while forgetting that the whole point of being a part of a society is actually HAVING a functional society to be a part of. What we have is NOT a functional society - just a bunch of individuals who are seeking popularity at all costs.

Which is why it's time to go extinct.
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Are you from that demoghrapic?

Very interesting maybe spanish who brough beer to my country are actually German Mexicans as we have some people in my community that are said to be of spanish lineage but have germanic family names.

Not that i know off, the only ? is my grandfather who by all accounts looked like northern european but he came form a no-name family so its not like i know much about his past.

The rest of my family were either spanish or rich people form northern Mexico. Too bad most of that old money is gone.
I appropriated Japan last night. Wore a Gi.
Come at me, Japan!!!!
What ever happened to "imitation is the best form of flattery" (or something like that).

I feel like cultural appropriation outrage like this just spurs more racism. Even if it was traditional, she wore it for the biggest day of her teenage girl life. It's not like she's mocking it.

Pretty much.

I find it odd because in Mexico we try to put a sombrero to everyone as a sign of welcome.




Fake outrage is fake outrage.
I don’t understand how and when outrage became so gratuitous.

I'm outraged by your lack of understanding!

Anyone outraged by this is probably just salty they didn't get invited to prom back in the day.