Tim Kennedy joins Infowars

InfoWars does some okay work against the social justice warriors, but that doesn't make up for the nutty, unhinged conspiracy theories promoted by the other half. If they abandoned the 9/11 twoofer nonsense, among other conspiracy drivel, perhaps they could become a more respectable news outlet.
Nonsense. I believe whatever they tell me on the news.
It's amazing how close we are to our relatives who came here as immigrants and/or refugees and how fast we are to say nobody else can come. I truly don't understand that
We still let people here but they have to come legally. Everyone wants to talk about us being a nation of immigrants, and we are, but there has been a process for that
Yeah because Europeans absolutely don't do that :rolleyes:
Yahtzee. Just take a look at the havoc right wing extremists have done to Europe.. Been brainwashed by simpleton deceivers like Alex Jones who tell them how evil these refugees are. Talk about destroying a nation. The media over there needs to start censoring that right wing rubbish before it's too late for places like Germany!
Mexico has a wall at their Southern border, are they racist too?...... and Mexicans are coming here illegally at a very high rate many of whom ARE drug dealers and criminals. It's not even a secret, pulling the race card doesn't make any sense here!
And a temporary Muslim ban makes sense. It's no secret that radicals hate us and our values. Until we have a better understanding of the situation and who we are letting come over at a time as sensitive as the one we're in ...I'm all for it. LEt's be honest with ourselves too, Islam is full of bad ideas. I don't respect ANY religion that treats women like Islam does fundamentally. I could go on and on about ideas but I'll leave it at that. This is the West, leave your shitty ideas at home...

High rate, hmm? But immigration was a net negative for the last few years. Many of whom are drugs dealers and criminals? What percentage would that be? Numbers, please.

Does it make sense? Should we have a temporary ban on Christians as well since a few of them have bombed and shot up Planned Parenthood recently? Let's not act like most religions, in general, treat women well. Yes, Sharia Law is a bad idea but there are millions of American Muslims who don't practice it and they seem to be doing just fine.

We still let people here but they have to come legally. Everyone wants to talk about us being a nation of immigrants, and we are, but there has been a process for that

A process for that since 1882 and the first law restricting immigration was a racist one which only targeted the Chinese. Let's not act like there has always been a fair way to immigrate.
We still let people here but they have to come legally. Everyone wants to talk about us being a nation of immigrants, and we are, but there has been a process for that
We don't have a problem with illegal Muslim immigrants, at least not big enough for anyone to be talking about. Saying illega immigrants shouldn't be allowed in (no shit) is much different than saying we should keep tabs on people who come in or restrict people from coming in at all based on religion
Fucking 911 ruined conspiracies for me. They really hit the mainstream after Loose Change and all that shit and the scene has never been the same. I can't even enjoy Behold A Pale Horse anymore because it reminds me too much of Alex Jones garbage instead of the sort of goofy it's all in good fun conspiracy of yore when hollow earth and aliens at Roswell were more pressing matters.
I don't understand it when Europeans do it either. Which is relatively never in comparison.
Are you fucking kidding me? (Most of) Europe is the place that has the lowest tolerance towards opposite political views in the world apart from dictatorships and constantly divides opinions into left and right in order to judge them.
You can't even say that it might not be the best idea ever to let ~2 Million Arabs/year into your country without people and media babbling about "right wing opinions" once the government has decided that's the way to go.
Please don't tell Americans that they are prejudging political opinions lol.
Infowars is for racist right wingers bigots, who dabble in conspiracy theories. Some of the stories I've seen them run.. You'd think SLAVERY was still around! Despicable excuse of humans. They should be shutdown.. It's 2016 for goodness sakes.

dem true liberal values right dere
It's pretty obvious that Tim Kennedy actually found Hitler when he went looking for him. But instead of killing him he was turned and is now a Nazi stooge working directly for the Fuhrer. That's why he is spouting all this conspiracy BS, to undermine the US military in preparation for an invasion in 2019. Who knows what kind of PEDs they have up there in the Nazi moon base. It's well known that the East German steroid program was a direct offshoot of Nazi PED experiments using Jesse Owens DNA.
Infowars is for racist right wingers bigots, who dabble in conspiracy theories. Some of the stories I've seen them run.. You'd think SLAVERY was still around! Despicable excuse of humans. They should be shutdown.. It's 2016 for goodness sakes.
Troll or retard? I'm not sure.
High rate, hmm? But immigration was a net negative for the last few years. Many of whom are drugs dealers and criminals? What percentage would that be? Numbers, please.

Does it make sense? Should we have a temporary ban on Christians as well since a few of them have bombed and shot up Planned Parenthood recently? Let's not act like most religions, in general, treat women well. Yes, Sharia Law is a bad idea but there are millions of American Muslims who don't practice it and they seem to be doing just fine.
Yes, a high rate. Even if "illegal" immigration were at a negative, which it's not, what difference does that make? Seriously....

Compare Christian attacks to Islamic attacks. The difference is that there isn't a fundamental call through Christianity to carry them out. There are NO Christian churches and preachers supporting terrorism. On the other hand Muslim clerics call for terrorism daily all over the world, there have been almost 26,000 Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11. 26,000! How many Christian attacks have there been?

I'm not saying all Muslims are bad or that even all practice terrorism but the support is overwhelming even if they don't participate
I'm European I don't understand the need to couch everything in a "left/Right" dichotomy. Lifes much more complex than left/right up/down.
Well, when you're not very intelligent it's much simpler to look at things in such ways.
It's amazing how close we are to our relatives who came here as immigrants and/or refugees and how fast we are to say nobody else can come. I truly don't understand that

It's probably hard to understand because you're operating on a false narrative. Most people draw a distinction between illegal and/or unsustainable immigration and legitimate, legal immigration. I'm perfectly okay with the latter, and so are the majority of people.

Allowing millions of 'refugees' from a fascist society to come and live in your secular society, without any real plan for integration, is problematic on its face. The fact that my ancestor was an immigrant and/or refugee doesn't mean I'm going to ignore the fact that it's dangerously irresponsible to do such a thing. If my ancestor was a thief, that doesn't make me a hypocrite for opposing thievery.
Troll or retard? I'm not sure.
Says military is being trained on civilian gun grabbing

OK so I read this and I am not 100% but I thought he meant the military is being trained to disarm American civilians. If that is what he meant, than it is a complete lie.

As far as Isis goes, it might have been another failed pet project of the CIA I don't know. What I do know is invading Iraq despite all good intentions was a mistake, invading Afghanistan was not. It breaks my heart that soldier died fighting in Iraq to free that area up to the even worse villains that we knew existed before we did it.