Time says Trump is 'incorrect' after president says he rejected Person of the Year

I'll have to look that article up, but it sounds like a huge cop out.

You know something truly ironic?

The right spent 8 years complaining about how Barack Obama was a huge liar liar pants on fire, and they were objectively right.

So, what did they do? They found an even biggerer liar, and loud mouth, and lost credibility in the truth department in literally a few months of primary anger.

And besides most of the intellectual right and part of the financial right, everyone jumped on the Trump train full steam ahead, at least until reality forces them to see there is no future electoral bridge to cross.
...the President of the United States is the textbook definition of a narcissist. He's a compulsive liar; he lies about virtually everything. He lies when it's obvious that he won't get away with it, which is what little kids do.

It's shocking to see this man in the position he's in. There hasn't been a person so mentally unfit in any important political office in the US in modern history.

You should care about the country enough to look with an honest eye at the man you defend so tirelessly. Not just his decisions, but his character.

you should devote more time to this. it's vital
Sadly I think that ship sailed a long time ago, hit an iceberg, and sunk into the deepest sea trench in the known ocean.

Bill Clinton and his "bimbo eruptions", George W in the outcome of Iraq, Barak Obama anytime you disagreed with him in a clever and cynical way, and now Uncle Donald in a vulgar and idiotic way.

*George W in going into Iraq
...the President of the United States is the textbook definition of a narcissist. He's a compulsive liar; he lies about virtually everything. He lies when it's obvious that he won't get away with it, which is what little kids do.

It's shocking to see this man in the position he's in. There hasn't been a person so mentally unfit in any important political office in the US in modern history.

You should care about the country enough to look with an honest eye at the man you defend so tirelessly. Not just his decisions, but his character.

Every once in a while Trump lets out that he knows how fucked up he is, but Cult 45 won't believe his own words.

“That’s why I’m so screwed up, because I had a father that pushed me pretty hard.”

" I don't like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see."

"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different."
Why doesn't he just show the CDR showing the number that called him...because he's probably lying.

Although him lying is less concerning that the year was so blase that the candidates come down to last year's winner, a pop star and a whiner.
For reals?!?
Yeah. I think he actually kept them in the hallways of his clubs. Regardless, he had fake Time covers with his picture on it created.

He also pretended to be his own publicist, named John Barron (who he named his son after) and called media to say Madonna really wanted to date him, etc.

And pretended to be his own secretary.
And just imagine - 13 years ago a "byahhh!" was enough to destroy Howard Dean.
*George W in going into Iraq

Yeah, perhaps, but I did not word it that way for a reason.

In my opinion the W Administration was willfully blind because they wanted to foolishly reshape the Middle East into a more Western society and remove a tyrannical figure who had been a personal foil of the USA.

Not any "blood for oil" or blackwater conspiracy that never made sense with how oil markets or economics or decision making work.

I didn't want to encourage that particular line of thought.
Love it. Keep trolling them snowflakes Trump! Fight the power!
How is embarrassing yourself fighting the power? Do you view pissing your pants as a revolutionary act?
Where's the contradiction?

He said they called to say he "probably would win," like a heads up. They said the winner wasn't disclosed. And he won in 2016.

Good grief this thread is full of nothingburgerness. I expected much more from the link and article to be perfectly honest. But carry on y'all.
Where's the contradiction?

He said they called to say he "probably would win," like a heads up. They said the winner wasn't disclosed....

No, they said "The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6."

They didn't call him, in other words, because they don't tell people they "probably" will win before the issue is published. He lied, again, like he lies so often about everything.

"In past years, Trump has publicly derided out the magazine for not being selected. "Thank you @oreillyfactor for your wonderful editorial as to why I should have been @TIME Magazine's Person of the Year. You should run Time!" Trump tweeted in December 2015.

Similarly in December 2012, Trump tweeted," I knew last year that @TIME Magazine lost all credibility when they didn't include me in their Top 100... "

The Washington Post reported in June that at least four Trump Organization golf properties had on display a fake Time Magazine with Trump on the cover and featuring flattering headlines about his reality TV show, "The Apprentice."

This man is insane
Thing is, it's not even necessarily a good thing to win it. It means you influenced global events the most, but not necessarily in a good way.

It's for “the single person who, for better or worse, has most influenced events in the preceding year.”