Tito continues to make strides as a public servant in Huntington Beach

Isn't it mandatory to wear a mask in indoor premises though? Especially with food being served?

The man on the city council telling folk to break the law ain't a good look...
What an absolute idiot
i feel like that term matters less and less. i have met too many absolute idiots at the high end of the middle class spectrum of income or low end of high class but you talk to them and you see how they function and spend their money you wonder how its possible. it actually makes no sense at all. i've seen companies run by idiots to success. sometimes stupid logic and just having some sort of it factor that can appeal to a small crowd at the least you can be success. i actually would bet being a big idiot helps you be successful in this country.

LOL Tito being a politician is so funny and so 2020/2021
i feel like that term matters less and less. i have met too many absolute idiots at the high end of the middle class spectrum of income or low end of high class but you talk to them and you see how they function and spend their money you wonder how its possible. it actually makes no sense at all. i've seen companies run by idiots to success. sometimes stupid logic and just having some sort of it factor that can appeal to a small crowd at the least you can be success. i actually would bet being a big idiot helps you be successful in this country.

People don’t know the difference between confidence and brilliance
the worst part of all this is the left wing opened the door for the right wingers to start cancelling shit. Now us normal folk are basically surrounded by whiney spoiled pukes on either side
i hear ya. i don't have the source on hand, but I saw somewhere how historically, high income inequality is typically tied to more extreme left and right political shouting. so whatever common sense/middle ground to reduce the extreme income inequality would be good. <Fedor23>

at least we can all come here and agree on the hilarity/absurdity of Tito <{titihmm}>
Its so hilarious how self righteous he is about his stupidity. Hes like a Homer Simpson but not likeable. Surprised he didnt storm dc. He would fit right in.
I can't believe I used to think that you had to be intelligent to hold these type of positions.
Tito supporter exposed.

Seriously, you only used to think that because you're very limited yourself. Very.
So, hopefully you changed. You evolved. And even a very dumb person can learn eventually. Don't give up. Make a serious effort.
Sure, it's easy to be a zombie and put a diaper on your face. Better decision: get your Vitamin D levels at 60 ng/ml or higher, lose excess fat if necessary and take charge of your own health. But if you want to get your vaccine wear your face blanket, go right ahead.
Looks like we found a Tito voter.
lol isn't it a public ordinance? So they would have to break the law to comply with Tito's demand?

Most places did not pass an actual law but a mandate, kind of like when kings would simply make a new rule for subjects to follow.

I'm glad Tito doesn't want to wear a mask this shit is a joke.
i gave Tito the benefit of the doubt, but he is embodying everything wrong with people and this COVID thing. put. the. mask. on. dumb. fuck.

The mask that doesn't protect you? That just slows down virus only to be recirculated?

Forcing people to wear masks is gay and dumb. We don't force people to not be fat which is much more deadly. Or smoke cigs.
Tito, failing to realize wearing a mask literally affects him in no way at all. He's an athlete with no respiratory issues. Him picking this hill to stand on is just him crying "waaaahhh I don't want to do it" Like a kid being stubborn over something completely inconsequential. At this rate, I hope he loses his seat as a public servant. Because he clearly dosen't deserve to have it. Restaurants are struggling to keep the doors open as it is. And here tito is trying to make it even harder for them by slandering them. Way to serve your community nitwit.
Apparently Jacob Tito Ortiz is a strong supporter of Law Enforcement - yet he beat his ex-porn Star girlfriend and got caught drunk driving. Seems like these guys like cops 'in theory' but not in reality.
lol isn't it a public ordinance? So they would have to break the law to comply with Tito's demand?

Wonder if he is going to save face later by saying that he was just testing them for their compliance to the law.
I don't understand why this cry baby is having such a whinge about masks, I get it they suck but it's not some grand conspiracy to control the population, wearing masks sucks and if you don't want to wear a mask I understand it but if someone or a business wants to be courteous you should respect that and move on, instead of continually bitching about it like a selfish mongoloid....ironic that these Tito types are the first one to cry snowflake but continually moan about wearing a mask in a middle of a global pandemic.