TOPBOXER gear and equipment CUSTOM boxing gloves and other gear

...I've just witnessed perfection.

Standing Ovation, Juan.
Thanks, guys. Muhammad is an artist! Look forward to getting the set.
Must.... resist... and wait for Muhammad's answer on 12oz or 14oz.... can't jump the gun on 16s.... must... resist.
Has the design of the headguard changed any, between this one and the one you bought previously, Gus?

this is something i received yesterday , it made my weekend the best ever , i have never been so happy about my life or work...
thank you all for your appreciation of my work and help in improving everyday.
i am blessed!!!
and here are the custom orthopedic gloves i made for doroteo
Top Boxer=Gifted.
I'm definitely gonna be putting through an order for a pair of the CLONES. CANT WAIT!
Has the design of the headguard changed any, between this one and the one you bought previously, Gus?

Hi buddy,

This time I measure twice :)

I actually took measurements from my headgear and my FG2900. Last time, I wasn't very careful and the fit wasn't perfect.
Hopefully this fits better then. So is the actual design of the headguard the same as it was previously, apart from the sizing?