Topuria / Volk is an exciting fight because both are warriors


Brown Belt
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
I think what makes me most excited about this match up, is both of these dudes, regardless of skillset, will completely go into deep waters with anybody. You have volks escape from ortega's guillotine, and topurias recovery from jai herbert.
Weird side note, the jai herbert fight is what originally got me hyped about topuria, on paper it is for sure his weakest and most embarrassing fight, but it is also the reason why i think he can beat volk. Guy will die on his shield, and has no quit in him. Neither does volk. This fight is gunna be fireworks, im excited.

I agree over coming adversity isn’t a bad thing ….can’t always be the hammer …..gotta survive when you’re the nail …..
Yes, this will be good. I think Volk gets the finish and we'll see the first FW champion pass the age of 33 to have the belt.
inb4 andy wang memes

Yes agree. Neither guy will leave anything behind. Topuria’s recovery from that head/neck kick impressived me too. Hopefully these guys make it real tough for each other.
I think what makes me most excited about this match up, is both of these dudes, regardless of skillset, will completely go into deep waters with anybody. You have volks escape from ortega's guillotine, and topurias recovery from jai herbert.
Weird side note, the jai herbert fight is what originally got me hyped about topuria, on paper it is for sure his weakest and most embarrassing fight, but it is also the reason why i think he can beat volk. Guy will die on his shield, and has no quit in him. Neither does volk. This fight is gunna be fireworks, im excited.
