~~Training Schedule Question for a busy man



I have been training for a couple of months now, in Grappling and some Muay Thai at a gym local to me. I work full time an hour from where I live, and typically work about 10 hours a day. With such a busy schedule, I do manage to hit the gym for 2 -3 a week of weights, about an hour, with 15-20 minutes of stretching afterwards, and 1-2 on grappling/MT, probably 90 minutes of one, or the other or both. I am having trouble incorporating cardio such as running or jump roping in the mix.

I have yet to reach that balance, and figure out how to balance all in between. What would be an ideal breakdown of training to balance it all?

If you decide to be dedicated you can pull it off: I'd try something like this.

mornings or lunch break:

at nights after work:
weights TUES (chest:back) /THURS (legs) /SAT (arms:shoulders)
grappling or muay thai mon/wed/friday
When you're doing your thai work, do it in 3 minute rounds with 30 seconds of rest. Keep moving the whole time, when you're not specifically working on a technique you haven't mastered. The best shape I was ever in, the only change I ever made was I added about 5 rounds of shadow boxing. That should be plenty of cardio until your schedule eases up.
I have a similar issue with college but I lift weights and do cardio at home 5 days a week and will start to do submission grappling 2 nights a week for 4 hours total.
I am in the same situation...I am going to attempt to ask for a 3 day work week...we shall see how that boss likes that idea
wake up early, bust out an intense 15 minute cardio session, do stuff like burpees, skip rope, etc.

Seems like you can still keep everything else the way it is, unless you've been lifting in the morning? At which point, do cardio at the end of your session.
As a guy who is working full time myself here is my tips:

1. Decide: do you want to be good at weights, bjj or mt? One training a week does not lead to any progression. Most ppl say 3x a week is optimal when time is tight. More than that and the return is diminishing.

2. Fuck cardio. Bjj and MT are cardio sports. If you do MT 3x a week you get your cardio from there. Same goes for bjj. Keep other cardio to a minimum, or as a replacement when you can not train as normal.

3. I have had good success doing weights 1x a week (heavy baselifts only). It is always some strenght training in the bjj/mt classes. Combined with a good diet you can get to a decent level physically and still be good in a sport.

My schedule right now:
4 bjj sessions
1-2 weights sessions (only baselifts and low rep)
5 mobility session (20 min every lunch break at work)

For me this is optimal, as my focus is to look good physically (190 lbs and 6 foot tall with 4 abs some what visible) and to improve as a grappler. My restingpulse pulse is down to 46 bpm with no additional cardio but my grappling.. It was apx 58-60 when i had a period i did not train more than 1-2x a week for two years..
You are never going to win mundials working that much. Quit your job. Become a champion.

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