True or false: Almost Famous is the best music-themed movie ever?

Can't recall seeing any other music themed movies.

I thought Almost Famous was a good movie.
It's a good movie.

I liked this one too:

Walk Hard is a parody of every rock bio but it is so good that and clever that I would pick it over any real bio.


As far as actual bio go, I think these four were my favorite in this order:

Her Scent - This kind of flew under the radar but is legit amazing
Get on Up - Chadwick playing James Brown. The only part not accurate is how crazy James was otherwise it was amazing.
Crazy Heart
A Star is Born

Probably a bit obscure for most of you but it tells the true story of how the punk/post punk scene in the UK evolved into the new wave and ultimately the rave scene and all the hijinks in between.
Underated but you have know the scene pretty well to full appreciate it imo , Coogan is a comedic genius
Another good one

Just noticed I've seen every movie mentioned in this thread (most in the theatre )except the Gould one which I've heard is very good

This is a good one

This too
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This is one of those weird movies where if you really break it down, nothing specifically amazing happens in the movie, but something about it just seem to resonate and have a staying impact on me long after I watched it. And so even though it's been ages since I've seen it last, it's still the first movie that comes to mind when I think of a music themed movie.

Good movie.

Another good one

Just noticed I've seen every movie mentioned in this thread (most in the theatre )except the Gould one which I've heard is very good

This is a good one

This too

I liked the movie Walk the Line. Everything about it is well done but there is something about it that doesn't make me want to watch it again. Like it is just sad and painful all the way through and there wasn't much of a climax and resolution. I think movies like this should still be made. Schindler's List is similar to me in that it is as well made movie but I don't have a particular want to watch it regularly. A movie like What is Eating Gilbert Grape is also incredibly bleak but there is hope at the very end that things will change and be ok.

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