Elections Trump Indicted On 91 Counts

I already have an AV and a sig bet in it in the bet thread. If you're willing to get in line you can have a piece of that action. Make a post in the bet thread. I'm not putting up cash over the internet.
Doesn't have to be money. I'll bet you that Trump will win the Presidency this year. You in?

Donald Trump's appeal of his $83.3 million verdict in the E. Jean Carroll trial may keep the money out of her pocket for a year or more, but the former president stills has to cough up at least $90 million — and soon.

The dominos for Trump's big, looming outlay — covering damages plus court-mandated interest — are already falling or poised to fall...

Once there's a judgment, Trump will have 30 days to pay his damages, though an appellate court will almost certainly allow Trump to forgo paying Carroll directly until the appeal is decided.

Trump would have to set the money aside, though, and he can choose to do so in the form of either cash or bond.

Last time around, for the $5 million verdict, Trump went with cash.

Judge Kaplan allowed Trump to deposit roughly $5.5 million into a court-managed account. (The sum included a 9% buffer to guarantee Carroll gets any interest she's entitled to for having to wait for the money.)

A source familiar with the case, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to do so publicly, told Business Insider that Trump's $5.5 million was still there, pending the outcome of his appeal of that first verdict. An appellate court is set to eventually decide whether Carroll gets all, some, or none of that $5.5 million.
Haha Whimpy. We're talking about Tara Reade AKA Tara McCabe, Alexandra McCabe etc, right?! The scam artist who used multiple names, got caught lying about having a law degree, stole money from multiple friends, got dropped by her own lawyers, then ran away to Russia and appeared on state run tv with Maria Butina, the convicted spy? Her?!

I love the love letters she wrote for Putin. Highly amusing!

"President Putin’s genius is his judo ability to conserve his own energy and let the opponents flail, using up their energy, while he gains position. Currently, President Putin has a higher approval rating in America then the American President, particularly with women. President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity. It is evident that he loves his country, his people and his job. Although his job may seem like in the words of writer, Elizabeth Gilbert on genius, “ trying to swallow the sun.” This is a whole lot to deal with for one mere mortal… President Putin’s obvious reverence for women, children and animals, and his ability with sports is intoxicating to American women..."

Edit: and someone is trying to swallow something, that's for certain.
you sure?

anyone know if the jury knew about this? did the judge refuse this into entry? if yes, corrupt judge, if the jury knew about it, then corrupt jury. there's no other way to say it.


This is it!
Attacking her character does not change the fact that there was far far far more evidence of sexual assault with her and Joe Biden than anything E. Jean Carrol came up with.
Evidence is usually pretty solid initially in an op. It's kind of the point.

That said, even if what you said was factual (and it so very rarely is coming from you) Case A being Stronger than Case B doesn't mean that Case B isn't true.

It's just deflection on your part.
Before you joined in, Andy and I were discussing it and he was too scared.... for good reason. You're going to lose if it's Trump vs. Biden.... and I saw that coming 2 years out. Your only hope is if either drop out.
bollocks ,@LMP and you were talking about a bet after i had made one,no idea when andy started talking about it, and youre going to lose if its trump vs biden.,.
found it https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/...rump-indicted.4283386/page-115#post-170790811
post2285 i proposed the bet , not you
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I R Dissappoint.

Judge Engoran had said he hoped to have a verdict ready for today.... but as the day progresses it's looking less and less likely.
What that tells me is that he is adjusting totals after the independent financial monitor's report.

Guess what chuds.... it won't be a positive for Donnie. It may not be financial damages, but I guarantee that it will bring about ongoing monitoring at least until the dissolution of any Trump NY business entities.
If you work for any Trump entities in NY, I'd say it's time to start polishing up the old CV, because this time next year your job will be non-existent.

Trump has ALWAYS got to make things worse. It's his gift.

Next, on to Mr. Bragg's case..... but how much longer before a tax evasion case is brought against Donnie??
Doesn't have to be money. I'll bet you that Trump will win the Presidency this year. You in?
He is saying..... he already has av/sig bets for the November election, but if you'd like to queu up after that, he'd be happy to construct a wager with you.

now she's going after his pet dog lol. at this rate the mandarin molester is gonna be looking for public defenders.

well, i guess he's looking for another melania lookalike to pretend to be a lawyer in court for him. i'm sure they are all calling him up with tears in their eyes and begging him to let them throw their reputations away and not get paid just so that he can throw them under the bus afterwards.
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now she's going after his pet dog lol. at this rate the mandarin molester is gonna be looking for public defenders.

Poor girl hasn’t even been paid by pumpkin tits yet.

If she ever does get paid, she’s just gonna have to hand it over to Carroll.

Ali Baba ruined her judicial career, pro bono.
bollocks ,@LMP and you were talking about a bet after i had made one,no idea when andy started talking about it, and youre going to lose if its trump vs biden.,.
found it https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/...rump-indicted.4283386/page-115#post-170790811
post2285 i proposed the bet , not you
In fact he tried to get me to account bet after you had already agreed to one with him IIRC. LOL like I'm going to bet my account against that sad sack of shit. What in the fuck would there be for me in that when I get to point and laugh on the regular as it is?

well, i guess he's looking for another melania lookalike to pretend to be a lawyer in court for him. i'm sure they are all calling him up with tears in their eyes and begging him to let them throw their reputations away and not get paid just so that he can throw them under the bus afterwards.
This is Trump's interview process for attorneys


well, i guess he's looking for another melania lookalike to pretend to be a lawyer in court for him. i'm sure they are all calling him up with tears in their eyes and begging him to let them throw their reputations away and not get paid just so that he can throw them under the bus afterwards.

The Perfect Lawyer for Dirty Don.