Crime Tyre Nichols video to be released soon. 5 Memphis cops fired and charged with murder for his death

No worries....
I think the presenters point about how the Trooper immediately felt the need to deny or defend not having Tik Tok over defending the racial accusations backed by data says a lot about that Trooper. Not like she was a random Black lady just upset about getting a ticket playing the race card.
So by questionable , do you mean it deserves the call-out, additional suspension, or some follow up to make sure it didn't involve targeting or profiling? Kind of similar how you said you approach suspicious vehicles?

It deserves some attention, but it is young turks, so I don’t trust them to do that but his dept who has access to the reasons for the stops and tickets.
What I found interesting about that story was the part about blacks being stopped less
At night. I don’t have too much to say about that other than there are ways to tell the race of a driver on a traffic stop. Maybe the officer knows the car and driver to be suspended? Maybe a purple caddy with gold rims could be vehicular profiling (more on that in a min). Maybe the officer is watching the car? My point is that no officer I ever worked with would simply say “see black driver, stop same.” I think it has more to do with cops working high crime/more black areas being more aggressive with proactive policing and that is a by-product of that.

As for the vehicular profiling. Give me your opinion. We responded to a burglary in progress. A woman came downstairs in an affluent area and observed a couple of black males in her apartment. As we arrived, we observed the same guys running between houses and gave chase but lost him. So I began to check vehicles in the neighborhood and after ruling out the nicer ones and ones that came back to that neighborhood , I found a beat-up Lexus with dark tinted windows with the seat all the way back. Blunt innards and empty baggies everywhere. So I ran the plates and got a name. We pulled up his pic and did a line up to show her and she picked out the registered owner of the vehicle. We got a conviction and solved other burglaries in the area.

Now, my question for you is do you think that was wrong, or possibly good police work?
It deserves some attention, but it is young turks, so I don’t trust them to do that but his dept who has access to the reasons for the stops and tickets.
What I found interesting about that story was the part about blacks being stopped less
At night. I don’t have too much to say about that other than there are ways to tell the race of a driver on a traffic stop. Maybe the officer knows the car and driver to be suspended? Maybe a purple caddy with gold rims could be vehicular profiling (more on that in a min). Maybe the officer is watching the car? My point is that no officer I ever worked with would simply say “see black driver, stop same.” I think it has more to do with cops working high crime/more black areas being more aggressive with proactive policing and that is a by-product of that.

As for the vehicular profiling. Give me your opinion. We responded to a burglary in progress. A woman came downstairs in an affluent area and observed a couple of black males in her apartment. As we arrived, we observed the same guys running between houses and gave chase but lost him. So I began to check vehicles in the neighborhood and after ruling out the nicer ones and ones that came back to that neighborhood , I found a beat-up Lexus with dark tinted windows with the seat all the way back. Blunt innards and empty baggies everywhere. So I ran the plates and got a name. We pulled up his pic and did a line up to show her and she picked out the registered owner of the vehicle. We got a conviction and solved other burglaries in the area.

Now, my question for you is do you think that was wrong, or possibly good police work?
Young Turks do some great work and they do some horrible hatchet jobs that appeal to their base. No different than any online leaning op-ed news source. Same coin different side.
I only sent that link because it contained the stop in question. I wasn't calling for TYT to be the judge on this. I was getting at a more formal investigation internally or through oversight from another legal structure.
It would be great if we could trust LEAs to be their own watchdogs however its current state it clearly shows they need watchdog groups and public outrage to keep them honest.
Every area is not "a black neighborhood " every cop accused of this is not strictly working in "black areas." So I'm sure that can be an answer for some of it, but its not the answer for all of it.

Also, just because your fellow officers don't introduce themselves as "Hi, I'm Bob the racist " doesn't mean some of them aren't. They also aren't really going to tell a self proclaimed good cop, " hey I shakedown drug dealers. I rape prostitutes. I also steal time." That seems unrealistic. I'll even argue many people who I consider racist have an unconscious bias & may not realize it or are in denial about it. Keep in mind based off perspective and life experience our definitions of "racial & racism" are probably vastly different.

For your example: If there was a confirmed burglary in progress and the witness was credible and identified Black males as the suspects. I don't think there is a racial component to that.
Then, if you noticed an out of place vehicle in the vicinity with drug paraphernalia in it & ran the tags to get the I.D. again no racial component in that. The tags were out of the area, there was drug paraphernalia in the car, owner matched the description of the witness. Just happened to be Black.
Thats different than lets pull over or run the plates 4 the purple Caddy with Gold wheels just because.
Most Blacks I know with nice car & nice things obtained them through their jobs or legal business. Myself included. I have been collecting muscle cars & sports cars since before I could drive. So I got unjustly profiled a lot.
Young Turks do some great work and they do some horrible hatchet jobs that appeal to their base. No different than any online leaning op-ed news source. Same coin different side.
I only sent that link because it contained the stop in question. I wasn't calling for TYT to be the judge on this. I was getting at a more formal investigation internally or through oversight from another legal structure.
It would be great if we could trust LEAs to be their own watchdogs however its current state it clearly shows they need watchdog groups and public outrage to keep them honest.
Every area is not "a black neighborhood " every cop accused of this is not strictly working in "black areas." So I'm sure that can be an answer for some of it, but its not the answer for all of it.

Also, just because your fellow officers don't introduce themselves as "Hi, I'm Bob the racist " doesn't mean some of them aren't. They also aren't really going to tell a self proclaimed good cop, " hey I shakedown drug dealers. I rape prostitutes. I also steal time." That seems unrealistic. I'll even argue many people who I consider racist have an unconscious bias & may not realize it or are in denial about it. Keep in mind based off perspective and life experience our definitions of "racial & racism" are probably vastly different.

For your example: If there was a confirmed burglary in progress and the witness was credible and identified Black males as the suspects. I don't think there is a racial component to that.
Then, if you noticed an out of place vehicle in the vicinity with drug paraphernalia in it & ran the tags to get the I.D. again no racial component in that. The tags were out of the area, there was drug paraphernalia in the car, owner matched the description of the witness. Just happened to be Black.
Thats different than lets pull over or run the plates 4 the purple Caddy with Gold wheels just because.
Most Blacks I know with nice car & nice things obtained them through their jobs or legal business. Myself included. I have been collecting muscle cars & sports cars since before I could drive. So I got unjustly profiled a lot.

Fair enough. Muscle cars being profiled? How so? Checking you for a mullet? I am not a fan of any news shows, but especially tyt.
Fair enough. Muscle cars being profiled? How so? Checking you for a mullet? I am not a fan of any news shows, but especially tyt.
Consistently being pulled over and asking how I got said car for being so "young." Even had a serious ticket thrown out once when I got my 1st new Corvette in my early twenties. Despite them running the tags and verifying it was mine, after multiple officers told me I shouldn't be learning on somebody's car....They still wrote the ticket as if the car wasn't mine. The magistrate was PISSED. Threw the ticket out & apologized . He couldn't believe that they still were using verbiage on the ticket and in the report that mentioned the car not being mine.

TYT is no different than others. They are way too far left on some issues even for me. Their Trump & election coverage was filled with a lot of false promises and foot in their mouth moments.
They are responsible for pandering clowns like Dave Rubin & Jimmy Door. However, they call out corporate Democrats just as much as the Republicans. They have some good stories that are true and that can be fact checked. I dont need them to tell me what to think or how to interpret the stories they present though.
So why especially them????
Consistently being pulled over and asking how I got said car for being so "young." Even had a serious ticket thrown out once when I got my 1st new Corvette in my early twenties. Despite them running the tags and verifying it was mine, after multiple officers told me I shouldn't be learning on somebody's car....They still wrote the ticket as if the car wasn't mine. The magistrate was PISSED. Threw the ticket out & apologized . He couldn't believe that they still were using verbiage on the ticket and in the report that mentioned the car not being mine.

TYT is no different than others. They are way too far left on some issues even for me. Their Trump & election coverage was filled with a lot of false promises and foot in their mouth moments.
They are responsible for pandering clowns like Dave Rubin & Jimmy Door. However, they call out corporate Democrats just as much as the Republicans. They have some good stories that are true and that can be fact checked. I dont need them to tell me what to think or how to interpret the stories they present though.
So why especially them????

The worst I ever saw from tyt was the Kyle rittenhouse coverage
I call them The Young Turds because they are pieces of shit. I don't know if I have ever watched any of their stuff though so the turd thing is just a guess on my part.
The worst I ever saw from tyt was the Kyle rittenhouse coverage
I purposefully did not watch or engage in any of the Rittenhouse stuff. Sometimes you don't have to take a side. Especially when you feel both parties have dirty hands & got exactly what they were looking for. What did they say that was untrue or dishonest ???
I purposefully did not watch or engage in any of the Rittenhouse stuff. Sometimes you don't have to take a side. Especially when you feel both parties have dirty hands & got exactly what they were looking for. What did they say that was untrue or dishonest ???

iirc, they kept calling him a murderer after his acquittal was the main one and the one host walked it back after threats of a lawsuit
Funny side note: I am currently involved in a stupid twitter argument where a guy is trying to say that Ashli Babbitt was murdered in a more horrid way than this kid. I said that there were much better options for capital police to shoot that day such as the assholes holding down cops and beating them with clubs and he called me a bootlicker. I think it is qanon shaman himself I am arguing with
So one of the cops sent a pic of the bloodied and cuffed Tyree to 5 folks including a civilian woman. I had come across twitter posts and a post on here claiming one of these cop’s girlfriends had a possible affair with him. Thought it sounded pretty implausible at the time but this is makes it seem possible.

“In the newly released documents, police officials said that one of the five officers, Demetrius Haley, admitted to sending a photograph of Mr. Nichols to at least five people, including two fellow officers, a civilian employee of the department and a female acquaintance. A sixth person also received the photo, the records state.”
So one of the cops sent a pic of the bloodied and cuffed Tyree to 5 folks including a civilian woman. I had come across twitter posts and a post on here claiming one of these cop’s girlfriends had a possible affair with him. Thought it sounded pretty implausible at the time but this is makes it seem possible.

“In the newly released documents, police officials said that one of the five officers, Demetrius Haley, admitted to sending a photograph of Mr. Nichols to at least five people, including two fellow officers, a civilian employee of the department and a female acquaintance. A sixth person also received the photo, the records state.”
Document and share the evidence of a violent crime you just committed. They should add a decade on to this guy's sentence just for being a complete fucking moron.

This is just like the Gun Trace Task Force in Baltimore.

They deliberately picked cops with violent tendencies for the unit because the whole point is to rough up people in high crime neighborhoods.

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