Law U.S. detained nearly 100,000 migrants at Mexico border in February

So you haven't housed any illegal immigrants it.


The guy asked me about Economic migrants, he didn't mention Illegals.

I don't know How it is in the states, but If I housed Illegals, there's an almost guaranteed chance I'd end up in jail. Fuck that, not worth it.

Those guys get the boot over here, and those who assist them get the book thrown at them no questions asked.

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I actually have housed legal Economic migrants from Central Asia. Great, hard working People that Don't cause problems. Don't regret doing it.

I have also been an Economic migrant myself, and stayed with other People in Foreign Countries. It's not an easy Life, and you definitely need to swallow your pride to do it.

Gotta feed the family somehow, and sometimes leaving the Homeland is a necessity.

Surely those guys are looking for honest work to provide for their families Can't diss that.

Your country is Rich and wealthy, and should be able to accomodate immigrants, unless those guys are a bunch of freeloaders, Which they probably aren't. At least that tends to be the case with migrants over here, where I'm from. People work their butts off for their families.

I'm not familiar with the social security net for People like these in the states, but over here there isn't any, so if People don't work, they either starve or get deported, no questions asked, and no pampering done.

First Time someone calls me a Cuck, LMAO.

I Love Sherdog.

What you did was amazing. People are people. We are all one. I lived in many countries, was a foreigner and know what it's like. I have no issue with this. Please don't confuse legal with illigal immigration. They are two different things.

In Japan I hung out with Indonesian economic migrants. The nicest people I ever met. But they were there legally, they have the honor to renew their visa regardless of circumstances. Not hide, plague the system and cause problems. If you want to do something do it right.
I don't like it but this is what the people voted for. They had to know what would happen and they didn't care. Their media overlords convinced them anything was better than the Orange Man.

Did they vote for illigal immigration or did they just want to spite Trump? It seems like no matter what lunacy the democrats had in their platform they'd vote for them.
Did they vote for illigal immigration or did they just want to spite Trump? It seems like no matter what lunacy the democrats had in their platform they'd vote for them.

Probably to spite Trump who they and their Democratic representatives clearly hated. Republicans bear some of the blame though since they likely did a poor job of framing the election as a clear choice between two opposing outcomes. In one American citizens continue to have their interests looked after and advanced and in the other Americans' needs, wants, desires, and even livelihoods are cast aside as the country is eaten alive by foreign interests, i.e. China, migrants, etc. Voters chose the latter.
Shouldn't right wingers be happy about this

Two ways to answer it:

No: because it's unjust, panders to the leftist agenda for votes and destroys the country.
Yes: because it will lead people to vote republican in the long run because people are fed up of leftist bullshit.

So you decide.
Two ways to answer it:

No: because it's unjust, panders to the leftist agenda for votes and destroys the country.
Yes: because it will lead people to vote republican in the long run because people are fed up of leftist bullshit.

So you decide.
You can't take people in a middle of a pandemic and vaccination operation
I think the United States should declare Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica as terrorist states due to migrants bringing in illegal drugs that fund the mass genocide in Mexico by the cartels, invade and absorb the countries, then create a new southern border at the Panama/Columbia border.

That would be a much smaller border to secure.
A wall is not only a solution, it's the ultimate solution
Why? Because it makes crossing much harder

it is a logistical nightmare to try to build and secure that amount of border of a constant basis. No just in terms of work, there’s legal issues with building on certain parts of the land because their privately owned and theres difficult terrain. The best way to curb illegal immigration at a low cost would be to disincentivize those coming here. If they genuinely believe there wouldn’t be a way to find work and make a living here, most wouldn’t come. If you ignore the incentives and just try to spend a crazy amount at the border, you fight an endless battle of detaining and deporting people again and again. Even if you think a wall is still good, you should be able to acknowledge e-verify would do a lot to accomplishing the goal.
it is a logistical nightmare to try to build and secure that amount of border of a constant basis. No just in terms of work, there’s legal issues with building on certain parts of the land because their privately owned and theres difficult terrain. The best way to curb illegal immigration at a low cost would be to disincentivize those coming here. If they genuinely believe there wouldn’t be a way to find work and make a living here, most wouldn’t come. If you ignore the incentives and just try to spend a crazy amount at the border, you fight an endless battle of detaining and deporting people again and again. Even if you think a wall is still good, you should be able to acknowledge e-verify would do a lot to accomplishing the goal.
behind the scenes there is a fight between globalists and nation states, and if the globalist sees that a country doesn't have a secure border they are immediately become a target

yes its costly to put people to watch but I think that the robots at some point will replace them
My God so how many got through?


how many millions are coming illegally every year now? Trump stopped this.

the globalist hate western nations. It’s beyond argument. The globalists, their corporations and their breaking of borders is the undoing of us all.

They can’t wait to have 50 million more illegal migrants 20 years from now vote to take away our 2nd amendment rights. They won’t win though. People are waking up every day.

could you imagine a leader In Ireland saying this about the native Irish?

except the irish were actually there first, yall just killed the natives
behind the scenes there is a fight between globalists......

Robots would be costly too and we already monitor somewhat that way. You still need men on the ground to detain whatever the robot finds. It isn't close the cost you would deal with trying to maintain a wall and security across the entire border. I don't think we are going to agree here especially since you are throwing in the Globalist stuff here.
since you are throwing in the Globalist stuff here.
ye.. someone is sleeping

you can always find solutions for everything, maybe a robot can also use non-lethal weapons to keep them from ever touching the wall
ye.. someone is sleeping

you can always find solutions for everything, maybe a robot can also use non-lethal weapons to keep them from ever touching the wall

Well until I see that technology, disincentivizing makes more sense. Are you saying e-verify wouldn't help at all or you just don't think it's the complete solution. Like if there was a up/down vote on it, what would you do?
Well until I see that technology, disincentivizing makes more sense. Are you saying e-verify wouldn't help at all or you just don't think it's the complete solution. Like if there was a up/down vote on it, what would you do?
Totally against it, if America needs construction workers then America can also import them
Totally against it, if America needs construction workers then America can also import them

So you want to stop illegal immigration and you are totally against e-verify.

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