UFC 239 - Jones vs Santos


- Left Jackson Wink 3 weeks ago
- Josh Fabia's first time cornering anyone
- Started working with Sanchez during his training camp for Gall.

Here's a little bit about the training methods:

"The training Fabia and Sanchez have put in is unorthodox, to put it mildly. They filmed more than 40 hours of preparations ahead of UFC 239 alone, and some of the methods included the use of blindfolds and sticks."

And probably the most key quote:

"“I’m there to do my job. I don’t foresee needing to do the in-between-the-rounds thing,” Fabia said. “It’s during the fight. He’s going to need to hear me in that first round.”

From the article it sounds like Diego is very likely going into this with no gameplan and a guy who's going to be shouting stuff throughout the round about feeling his energy and believe in yourself, but offer little to no technical advice, no advice on what to do to get out of situations should he find himself against the cage/with Chiesa on top of him, or someone to point out adjustments to make mid-fight if it's not going his way/he sees something to exploit in Chiesas approach.

I massively favoured Chiesa for this and have him in a treble already, but think I might have to go more heavily on him after seeing this.

Brb betting my mortgage on Chisea ITD.
Have you posted your feelings on Chisea/Sanchez yet? I know there's basically two parties here, one thinking it's a squash match and the other advocating for Sanchez...

Bottom line: Chiesa is too young, too big, and too strong for Diego imo. Chiesa literally looked like a different human being at 170. I'm not exaggerating, him moving up is the most dramatic and necessary example I've seen in 20 years aside from Rumble. Chiesa killing himself to make 155 was so stupid, he probably took years off his career and he looked like a zombie at that weight. Look at him physically vs Pettis and then look at him vs Condit. He doesn't even look like the same guy. He looked a weight class bigger than Condit, and Condit is a lifelong WW. Diego was fighting at 145 not too long ago.

People have underrated Diego's grappling skills for a long time. The guy hung with freaking Marcelo Garcia at ADCC when Diego was only a purple belt. His grappling skills are super legit. But Chiesa's are too, and he's just gonna look 2 weight classes bigger. I think he ragdolls Diego and stops him. Round 2 is my prediction.
Bad matchup for Diego. Chiesa becomes a mental midget when he gets punched in the face hard, other than that he's always a handful.

- Left Jackson Wink 3 weeks ago
- Josh Fabia's first time cornering anyone
- Started working with Sanchez during his training camp for Gall.

Here's a little bit about the training methods:

"The training Fabia and Sanchez have put in is unorthodox, to put it mildly. They filmed more than 40 hours of preparations ahead of UFC 239 alone, and some of the methods included the use of blindfolds and sticks."

And probably the most key quote:

"“I’m there to do my job. I don’t foresee needing to do the in-between-the-rounds thing,” Fabia said. “It’s during the fight. He’s going to need to hear me in that first round.”

From the article it sounds like Diego is very likely going into this with no gameplan and a guy who's going to be shouting stuff throughout the round about feeling his energy and believe in yourself, but offer little to no technical advice, no advice on what to do to get out of situations should he find himself against the cage/with Chiesa on top of him, or someone to point out adjustments to make mid-fight if it's not going his way/he sees something to exploit in Chiesas approach.

I massively favoured Chiesa for this and have him in a treble already, but think I might have to go more heavily on him after seeing this.

You're gonna be sorry when Diego deflects Chiesas strikes using his aura and chi strikes the fuck out of him from across the octagon.
Bad matchup for Diego. Chiesa becomes a mental midget when he gets punched in the face hard, other than that he's always a handful.

Yeah that's why I thought it was weird seeing people say that Chiesa will try to avoid grappling and will want to stand and bang. I don't see it that way at all. I see him using his size and strength to bully Diego with grappling.
Chiesa gets a standing KO, or finishes on the ground with a sub or g'n'p for sure.

The guy from Heavy Hands, Phill McKenzie (the English one) is picking Santos, and so is another MMA betting tipper/podcast guy called Newsome.


- Left Jackson Wink 3 weeks ago
- Josh Fabia's first time cornering anyone
- Started working with Sanchez during his training camp for Gall.

Here's a little bit about the training methods:

"The training Fabia and Sanchez have put in is unorthodox, to put it mildly. They filmed more than 40 hours of preparations ahead of UFC 239 alone, and some of the methods included the use of blindfolds and sticks."

And probably the most key quote:

"“I’m there to do my job. I don’t foresee needing to do the in-between-the-rounds thing,” Fabia said. “It’s during the fight. He’s going to need to hear me in that first round.”

From the article it sounds like Diego is very likely going into this with no gameplan and a guy who's going to be shouting stuff throughout the round about feeling his energy and believe in yourself, but offer little to no technical advice, no advice on what to do to get out of situations should he find himself against the cage/with Chiesa on top of him, or someone to point out adjustments to make mid-fight if it's not going his way/he sees something to exploit in Chiesas approach.

I massively favoured Chiesa for this and have him in a treble already, but think I might have to go more heavily on him after seeing this.

This is fucking hilarious and super sad lmao
Had a look through this guys instagram. You can't go into a fight against a top 20-25 welterweight with this fella as your only coach - someone who again has never cornered anyone before and describes himself as "Healer/Self-Awareness Expert, UFC Coach. Content creator. Online school founder".

It's a madness and Sanchez should count himself lucky that it sounds like he was seemingly still doing some training at Jackson-Wink prior to last month, as opposed to doing his entire training camp solely with this goon.

Had a look through this guys instagram. You can't go into a fight against a top 20-25 welterweight with this fella as your only coach - someone who again has never cornered anyone before and describes himself as "Healer/Self-Awareness Expert, UFC Coach. Content creator. Online school founder".

It's a madness and Sanchez should count himself lucky that it sounds like he was seemingly still doing some training at Jackson-Wink prior to last month, as opposed to doing his entire training camp solely with this goon.

Can confirm the seated wash just led to strange looks from people and carpet burn. Would not recommend to a friend.
Diego will come out as a new person.... like coming out as a gay dude

I shared this story in the heavies already but inquiring minds want to know. Diego's new coach reminds me of this holistic doctor I went to when I had a pain in one of my balls. Mind you I didn't know it was one of those type of offices until I got there and was waiting in the lobby I just wanted to go to nearest doctor to my apartment. Doc takes my blood and checks my vitals and sends me on my way to come back two weeks later. Apparently he ordered a full blood panel with cholesterol tests, testosterone, blood bacteria levels, you name it. Told me my vitamins and blood bacteria were off and offered me some CoQ10 they had for sale in the office. I asked if that would help the pain in my ball and he sent me on my way again saying if it still hurt in two weeks to come back and we'll do an exam. Went to a real doctor the next day and found out I had epididymitis an infection of a tube on the back of your nut. Gave me antibiotics and I was right as rain in Volkan "no time" Oezdemier. Fuck hippies is what I say.

Tldr: Hippie stuff doesn't work and Diego is in trouble.
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Sanchez/Chiesa stealing the show pre-fight. Thanks for all the contributions lol
Hey kyle really believe so?? I agree with amanda but santos? Quick rd1 ko?
Diego, the magical powers of the sitting wash will be amplified 100 times when I wash you myself. And you must be naked. I’m also going to take off my pants, they’re really chaffing me