UFC can't spell Erin Blanchfield's name correctly


Black Belt
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score


I noticed this yesterday but figured someone else would make a thread on it and I didn't see one. How do they fuck this up that bad? I get spelling mistakes happen but it's your headliner and it's plastered all over that backdrop in big letters.
TS go apply den see if you can do it better Blankfield harder den u tinkin my guy ain't no disrespect tho just keepin' it a buck if you can do it more power to you fam hope dey give you a raise otherwise quit dat shit start a business work for yourself stay on dat grind my guy str8 up if dat ain't work out there's always #PowerSlap 💯 🦌
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i mean the ufc has some tell you how it is types running the show. Imagine a guy like dana coming up to you and talking down to you and barking at you. man on man would i be farting and pooping in my office all day and not cleaning it.