Unlicensed “Security Guard” Shoots and Kills a Man at protests In Denver

lol @ this screenshot proving a 17 yr old out of state with an illegal rifle is proof of self defense, but a contracted security guard legally carrying on the job gets filmed in crystal clear 1080pp HD getting hit and maced and it's not?
Righteous life you live there brother and I have to imagine the entirety of your ancestors are proud of you reaching this pinnacle of moral thought.

Oh, can you prove he isn't just some fucking dip shit with a gun? He isn't a guard legally. But your brain is melted.
looks like we need to change the thread title back.
Dude ruined his life for no reason, just like Rittenhouse.

It’s a sad story for both.

Rittenhouse was trying to protect businesses. That is a legit reason. He was rendering first aid. That is legit reason.

This new dumb fuck was an legal security guard. He is toast.

And he never tried to run away like Kyle did. Don't conflate the two.
Well, that would make it even worse.

Here it doesn't look like shooter was reaching for something. Maybe just pushing him back or something. Kinda looks like tubby is confronting the reporter then slaps shooter when he gets touched.

Putting it in a spoiler since the last pic shows some blood.

I'm saying he wasn't holding the mace in a threatening manner. It's not the be all end all, but it's a clear distinction between pointing it or even announcing that you plan to use it. Little details like that matter in these situations.

It's obvious fatty played a role in his own death. What's at issue is the shooter's culpability.

How do you hold a weapon in a non-threatening way ?
If you approach someone with weapon in hand, it is threatening.
You don't have to announce "I'm going to shoot you" to make someone feel like you're going to when you add up all these little details.
The mace guy was just in an altercation with another guy where he also pulled his mace out, he charged over to this "security guy", and he has a holster for the mace, but instead is holding it in his hands, and he smacked the guy, there was plenty of reason to believe that he wasn't just holding the mace for funsies.
Oh, can you prove he isn't just some fucking dip shit with a gun? He isn't a guard legally. But your brain is melted.
What sort of brain rot do you have? I'm going off a statement from a respected local news station saying they hired him thru Pinkerton.

that's it. Reading a news report. Big brain shit right? I'll read more news reports to learn more as it gets reported. Crazy how that works! Or have you never done that before?
LOL @ waltzing in calling me a dipshit when you clearly haven't read a thing about this yet and aren't adding anything either.
What I find funny about this thread, is some peoples idea of self defense changes with the political affiliation of the shooter.
I have been consistent with my defense of self defense. Dude screwed up raising the can of mace. You don't have time to figure out what he was pointing at you, gun, mace, acid, some type of poison or whatever. This is why you will never see my ass anywhere near any of these protest events. First if I went I would be carrying, and second I do not want to have to shoot someone unless it is is defense of me or my family. So why put yourself in a position to be surrounded by idiots, who you might have to shoot.
I don't think he assaulted the guards the guard tried to confiscate the mace from him, and got slapped.
Also why send an overt leftist to a Trump rally as an armed security guard?

That doesn't make much sense. A guy comes over to him, and the guy with the gun immediately tries to confiscate the other guy's mace for no reason?
The news crew tweeted that he worked for them.
Did he ever actually work for Pinkerton? I haven’t seen that confirmed or denied. That would be a huge oversight for them to hire an unlicensed political radical. It might be that he was just hired directly by the news channel in which case they are fucked.
Why didnt he mace the angry confrontational guy?
What was the security guy doing a few feet away from a confrontation? - why not back off?
Why did he smack the guys hat off? - What created that altercation?
Based on his reactions to the angry guy in the initial confrontation he seemed pretty relaxed wouldn't you all agree?
It seems odd he doesn't react to an angry confrontational guy but does to someone a few seconds later.

Fake security guard saw his can of spray and reached for it. So he smacked him and then got drawn on and he panicked sprayed and bullet to the head.

Damn fast.

Rittenhouse walks and security man goes to prison. That'll be the end to this debate.

I hope we get back to normalcy instead of continued escalation. There will be real suffering for all if not, though some will suffer more than others.
What I find funny about this thread, is some peoples idea of self defense changes with the political affiliation of the shooter.
I have been consistent with my defense of self defense. Dude screwed up raising the can of mace. You don't have time to figure out what he was pointing at you, gun, mace, acid, some type of poison or whatever. This is why you will never see my ass anywhere near any of these protest events. First if I went I would be carrying, and second I do not want to have to shoot someone unless it is is defense of me or my family. So why put yourself in a position to be surrounded by idiots, who you might have to shoot.
Does that same logic apply to police who deal with violent and erratic criminals?

I don't care one way or the other. I'm just curious to know if you can shoot someone for spraying you with mace and get off in self defense.
Here it doesn't look like shooter was reaching for something. Maybe just pushing him back or something. Kinda looks like tubby is confronting the reporter then slaps shooter when he gets touched.

Putting it in a spoiler since the last pic shows some blood.


I predict the 3rd pic is what screws him.

Now he will have to shave his head in prison and sport Aryan Brotherhood tattoos. A fate worse than death
How do you hold a weapon in a non-threatening way ?

Do you understand the difference between something dangling at your side vs. having it positioned for use? You can define them both as threatening in your head if you like, but they're not the same thing.
ITT - People selectively applying their values depending on the political affiliations of those involved. I'm shocked.

Personally, I think this guy and Rittenhouse were both justified. Keep your fucking hands to yourself.
I predict the 3rd pic is what screws him.

They won't need the picture because there's a city surveillance camera that caught the shooting. But yeah, tubby backed away and there are cops on the scene. There's no case to be made for fear of death or great bodily harm.
Do you understand the difference between something dangling at your side vs. having it positioned for use? You can define them both as threatening in your head if you like, but they're not the same thing.

You're ignoring the little details that you just mentioned. It wasn't just casually dangling at his side. He had his hands on it, and he had it out like 20 seconds earlier. He had went over to approach the guy, and he smacked him.
At that point, the fact that he has a weapon on him is threatening.

If he was just a guy walking down the street with mace, not threatening--but once there's a confrontation it is most definitely a threat.
So what's the problem with this shooting? Any other time it's he should have kept his hands to himself. The dude assaulted the guard and wasn't ready for what he got In return.

It's pretty crazy to read this thread, because I think most people in here are being sincere with their opinions. The bias is strong as hell.
If we reversed this situation, there is no way we would see these same responses.

A BLM or ANTIFA guy gets into an argument with a conservative protester, he is walking around with mace in hand as he is talking shit....and then a Proud Boy sees this guy, says "Hey, get the fuck outta here ANTIFA scum", and then the ANTIFA guy approaches that guy, gives him a smack, talks some shit, pulls out his mace and fires, and then Proud Boy pulls his gun and shoots.
This thread would be full of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" responses.
Rittenhouse was trying to protect businesses. That is a legit reason. He was rendering first aid. That is legit reason.

This new dumb fuck was an legal security guard. He is toast.

And he never tried to run away like Kyle did. Don't conflate the two.

I guess it’s fine if you see it that way. I see this guy overreacting in the moment.

i don’t know much about the situation though. I don’t think Rittenhouse is a hero or anything but like I said in the thread I made, he acted in self defense
It's pretty crazy to read this thread, because I think most people in here are being sincere with their opinions. The bias is strong as hell.
If we reversed this situation, there is no way we would see these same responses.

A BLM or ANTIFA guy gets into an argument with a conservative protester, he is walking around with mace in hand as he is talking shit....and then a Proud Boy sees this guy, says "Hey, get the fuck outta here ANTIFA scum", and then the ANTIFA guy approaches that guy, gives him a smack, talks some shit, pulls out his mace and fires, and then Proud Boy pulls his gun and shoots.
This thread would be full of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" responses.

Your almost exact scenario happened in my city. BLM protesters pepper sprayed multiple right wing counter protesters. They were not shot and killed.

If this is the new norm, there is gonna be a whole lot of blood on the streets.