Crime Use it in a Sentence (special counsel thread v. 25)

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What about crooked NYC businessmen turned politicians?

Trump wasn’t who I would pick for president.

Unfortunately the choice was between him, and a crooked politician who literally dreamed of open borders. One who was weak on crime (mind you, the Clintons of 20 years ago held my same beliefs, but that democrat party is dead), and had a failing foreign policy record.

Choice was easy.
President Trump is going to serve two full terms and leave office on January 20th 2025.

Richard Nixon's poor reputation is largely to due with the fact that he didn't serve two full terms. As more time passes, more and more people are aware of less of the details of the Richard Nixon case. Now, most people just sum up the Nixon scandal in a few sentences, or just a few words.

Ronald Reagan also had the Iran-Contra Scandal during his time in office. Reagan's critics thought this was going to be the Scandal to take him down. It ended up becoming a minor footnote in the history of the Reagan Administration.

The Russian collusion conspiracy theory will end up in much the same way, a footnote and an irrelevant bit of trivia.
Talk about wishful thinking. :D
The current Trump strategy:

When has his strategy ever been any different? :D

Still don't see the big deal. Reminds of that whole John Edwards saga.<{vega}>
Edwards had a wife in the hospital. Trump has Cohen and his buddy from the National Inquirer saying the reason for the payoffs was to protect votes and was coordinated with the campaign.
Edwards had a wife in the hospital. Trump has Cohen and his buddy from the National Inquirer saying the reason for the payoffs was to protect votes and was coordinated with the campaign.

Cohen is also being threatened with total ruin. That might be influencing his claims. Just a thought.
This is what you call weaponized politics. Literally you've got the full might of the FBI going hard to find dirt on anyone connected to Trump. You've got people being pushed into confessions all over the place.

Haven't you heard about Mueller bullying out confessions? Of course not. Democrat CNN isn't covering this.

Why doesn't trump just fire mueller and pardon everyone?
Cohen is also being threatened with total ruin. That might be influencing his claims. Just a thought.
His decision to come clean almost certainly came about to get a lesser sentence. His claims by themselves are pretty worthless though without corroborating evidence. So he got his deal by providing e-mails, recordings, maybe leads that could be investigated, and so forth.
His decision to come clean almost certainly came about to get a lesser sentence. His claims by themselves are pretty worthless though without corroborating evidence. So he got his deal by providing e-mails, recordings, maybe leads that could be investigated, and so forth.
gerund or present participle: corroborating
  1. confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).
    "the witness had corroborated the boy's account of the attack"
    synonyms: confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, authenticate, validate, certify; More
Take a look, bots
His decision to come clean almost certainly came about to get a lesser sentence. His claims by themselves are pretty worthless though without corroborating evidence. So he got his deal by providing e-mails, recordings, maybe leads that could be investigated, and so forth.

Really? Have you seen these emails and recordings?

Ya but the AMI guy is a criminal and thus not to be trusted. Only the honest persons around Trump who come forth are to be trusted, that is why Trump makes sure he never has any honest people around him.

This is 4D level stuff muthafuckers.

Thread full of CNN degenerates.
Do you need a safe space? Is there anything else you need to be afraid about today?

It blows my mind how scared your type gets about everyone not you. Women, Latinos, black lives, Muslims, lbgtq etc...

The only thing I’m afraid of is my child going to public school because you cunts are afraid Daddy is going to take your dicks away from you.

Beta’s all of you. You really need to evaluate your life when a bunch of dorks in skinny jeans wearing masks look more masculine than you.
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This is what you call weaponized politics. Literally you've got the full might of the FBI going hard to find dirt on anyone connected to Trump. You've got people being pushed into confessions all over the place.

Haven't you heard about Mueller bullying out confessions? Of course not. Democrat CNN isn't covering this.

Definition of a snowflake.
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