Media Usman is visiting chechnya again

I never said reprehensible, again you’re straw manning my argument and making claims I never made. You seem wound way too tight and too emotionally invested. Nothing more to add really, we’re just talking past each other.
You said it made Usman more unlikable or something like that. Then you posted Zidan's tweet about Kadyrov being bad. Then you said Kadyrov is a "jihadist dictator" ( regardless of how embarrassing that statement is but let's not go there). These are things you wrote. The implications are very clear. So either you are very stupid for not seeing these implications or you are back-peddling for some reason. I don't think you are stupid.
Imagine being propped up as an anti trump anti racist something or other in the marty vs colby fight and then going and slobbing on a dictator's nob in his golden mansion. His daughter doesn't care if he has 20 mil, but she's super cool with him chilling at a facists' house instead. At least we know colby's shit is a gimmick, this just shows a real lack of character.
You said it made Usman more unlikable or something like that. Then you posted Zidan's tweet about Kadyrov being bad.
More misrepresentation/outright lies about what I said.

This was exactly what I wrote and what you got triggered by, and quoted me for initially:

“And people still ask why Marty is disliked by most mma fans.“

That was it word for word including Fedor shrugging.

Now why this comment would hurt your feelings and make you get into some big geopolitical debate and bring up Saudi oil and U.S. business interests is beyond my comprehension.


Now i don’t mind debating, but stop being dishonest and address what I actually said.
More misrepresentation/outright lies about what I said.

This was exactly what I wrote and what you got triggered by, and quoted me for initially:

“And people still ask why Marty is disliked by most mma fans.“

That was it word for word including Fedor shrugging.

Now why this comment would hurt your feelings and make you get into some big geopolitical debate and bring up Saudi oil and U.S. business interests is beyond my comprehension.


Now i don’t mind debating, but stop being dishonest and address what I actually said.
Shitty troll
Personally I just don't see how so many people here have the time to go through interview after interview and every social media post to develop an opinion on a fighters personality.

In some ways, I envy you fucks

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