Media Volk, "I want you all to remember this doubt...."

He's already been doing that since mid september. He made videos back then saying he was already preparing for islam. I don't know if you saw in another thread, but volk isn't going to extremes with his bulk. He's aiming for 172-175lbs. This is what I've suspected since he once said he didn't like how he felt around 180lbs or above, so it was nice to have him clarify how much he really wants to weigh for this lightweight fight. I think the low to mid 170's is ideal for him -- it's not too small for a lightweight, and not big. He'll get a strength boost and maintain most of his speed, idealy.

Anyways, He'll be as ready as he possibly can be. The fight is booked, so there's no going back now. May as well get pumped for it!

I am pumped for it. 170-175 is ideal, I agree. If it's mostly lean mass he adds to his frame we will tell as he will have a lot more muscle definition weighing in. Otherwise, he'll just have been bulking and cutting less. Hopefully so grappling footage gets leaked or we get some names of who he's working with!
He has a two champs, and a few number one contender fighters too, so its unfair to call him an Edmund.

Also, you can see improvements in his fighters. That's the whole point of the mockery of Edmond: Ronda won mainly based on the skills she brought with her from judo, and he never really rounded out her skillset in a way that would have made her a much better fighter. Even a tiny bit of striking defense, or better takedowns, or a jab, would have made her a monster to beat.
I think Mackhachev fans are to busy celebrating including not taking Volk to serious and to be fairly honest he is the most dangerous fighter Islam has ever faced..

Here is why?

1. Volk doesn't see Islam as random next opponent but he sees him as ''Milestone'' and the milestone that will define his career. He is basically chasing GOAT-ship... An Islam Mackhachev is a unicorn and he views him exactly as Milestone that he needs to collect.. He even said in his previous interviews it is not about champ-champ but beating Islam..

Islam's previous opponents wasted alot of time on avoiding fighting him alltogether or some of them were fighting him because they had to and tried to defeat him but none of them came with the right mindset going into the fight but Volk is different he has the right mindset.

2. He is not fighting the man but he sees the man as milestone in his own life story that is there to grant him his goal which is becoming the ultimate GOAT when all is said and done....

3. I think he views this as a fight against himself and he has to push himself to the limit in his mind to achieve his milestone.

4. He respects Islam as an opponent and views him as one of the best and again coming back to the milestone he sees him as a milestone that needs to be climbed..

5. He's workrate is absolutely ridiculous he trains like a mad-man once he locks unto his milestone he will go to great lengths..

6. He comes with zero arrogance in his preparations and game-planning with humility..

This is the worst opponent for Mackhachev and I think they are not taking Volk that serious which means we could experience a major hype train crash via ambush they don't even see coming.. They took Charles Oliveria very very serious but imho they should take Volk 10 times more serious then they did with Oliveria because Volk is 10 times the fighter Charles is and 100 times more workhorse.

The only route for success is to outwork volk as impossible as it may seem...

@Ackmed @Habib The Eagle @Noraaq

I would love to hear your takes on this
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Honestly believe Volk knows something that we don’t. Clearly he must’ve gained confidence in his grappling ability during training… he must hold his own against bigger wrestlers else there is no way he would take this fight.
Volk's non threatening power is coming for Islams chin!




You showed a rando from some nowhere organization, a guy that calls himself "the damage", and a guy that's ready to retire sir.
He’s gonna do way better than Olive did, and olive is fantastic. Can’t fucking wait for this one
Honestly believe Volk knows something that we don’t. Clearly he must’ve gained confidence in his grappling ability during training… he must hold his own against bigger wrestlers else there is no way he would take this fight.

Every fighter overestimates their own abilities. And underestimates those of their opponent. It's normal, part of believing in yourself.

Volk got taken down by Ortega and Mendes. It's not a stretch to think that a bigger guy like Islam will not only take him down easily but also control him.
Volk has become my favourite fighter as of late. One of the most impressive fighters I've ever seen, and definitely the most impressive out of the ones that are currently active.

In my obviously biased opinion, I think he's stylistically a difficult fight for Islam, and I heavily disagree with the mainstream sentiment on Sherdog that Islam is simply going to size-bully Volk. Alex is way too smart, way too good and is going to be way too prepared for Islam specifically for the fight to play out that way, and I don't understand why so many people are counting him out like it's a foregone conclusion.

I'm picking Alex to win a closely contested decision where he'll likely lose two out of the three first rounds, but will take over as the fight progresses further simply via how good he is at making reads and adjusting on the fly. Smartest fighter in the biz.
I really like Volk but Islam takes it - I would love to be wrong.
"Khabib don't waste words". - Will Harris

"Thai clinch gonna kill him bratha." - Khabib

"I'm taking Khabib's word for everything MMA-related until proven otherwise. Islam shocks by getting it done on the feet, in a phonebooth, and I suspect a huge knee in the clinch is the KO."
I think standing shouldn't be an issue. Volk has been the short guy in the gym for his whole career. Being so short might help him during some part of the wrestling exchanges. It is honestly hard to get to the legs of a much shorter person. I think Volk isn't going to do so well when it actually hits the ground.

It's going to be a tough fight for Volk. He probably has to win a 5 rounder since he isn't really a power puncher.
Curious what the addition of weight will do for Volk's power and speed. His cardio will be fine. He will need to be stronger if he wants to employ any sense of TDD, but that may impact his speed which is prob his greatest asset. Its only 10 lbs, but thats a lot for a guy his size (and no need to provide uber volk rugby pics, diff sport and hes competing now at a different level in MMA).
Volk is really great. I just am having a lot of trouble picturing managing to get up let alone stop the TD. To me, it's another "KO him before you get ragdolled" kinda deal.
All his movement means nothing once he's gets grabbed by a superior grappler. Islam is not slow either .
Hey man, I love this shit! All these questions will be answered in April. Can't fucking wait!
I can't bring myself to doubt Volk again and even this tall order seems in his wheelhouse. I doubt the physical differences will be as pronounced as Volk is familiar with being a heavier weight, is training to get heavier and pulling out all stops for his camp. Volk will have a definitive speed advantage, a great fight IQ to gameplan and an iron will to bring him to the next level.
Volk is awesome and does have a big chance if Alex can keep the fight standing. It's a big IF. He has top tier cardio and his mobility is off the chart

No amount of wrestling is going to replicate a guy like Islam and thus stick and move from the outside will be his plan until/if Islam gasses in the later rounds. This is my best guess for his path to victory