was Francis leaving the clearest evidence of WME posters ever?

It’s the most obvious example of pushing an agenda. Mostly because of the persistence and suspicious timing and coordination. Pretty much everyone says the same things all at once, across different platforms. That many different messages don’t go viral organically. That takes a level of coordination that can only be planned.

Another very obvious example would be PowerSlap. No one finds that farce remotely interesting and yet it is very transparently pushed by a handful posters. I even got a DM from a poster I accused of shilling. I thought he wanted continue an argument but instead he asked me my thoughts on Powerslap. I love how the shills always start their DMs the same way “You seem like an intelligent poster with bla bla bla” I must have gotten half a dozen of those DMs from different shills over the years. Take a hint jackasses. Not interested.
The thing is the no knock downs restriction doesn't exist, it's made up. My question is by who and why.
Yeah I've always thought about that. Here go out there and punch each other in the face, but dont knock him down... makes no sense. You cant control how your opponent reacts to being punched. People misinterpret what "no knockdown" means.
Honestly no. It's just a bunch of losers who can't speak up to their boss hoping that others can't succeed. If other can't succeed, I guess they feel better about themselves. Seeing another person's success has now made them hide and/or explode out of jealousy.
MMA facebook groups get like 100x the traffic Sherdog does amongst casuals. I doubt WME was paying people to post on Francis threads. People thought Francis was insane, that opinion wasn't exclusive to Dana ballwashers.
WME likely has paid astro-turfing like many other large orgs.

My best guess on what you are experiencing here (on average) is a combination of trolling, immaturity and some old fashion corporate boot licking.

There are some educated, smart and otherwise well reasoned posters here who grossly toe the UFC line because they get some hit from being a contrarian. For me, that is the most irritating.
I am not saying paid posters don't exist.

I am saying that over the years I've seen countless accusations of paid posters, but have yet to see compelling evidence.

Others see evidence they clearly find compelling. I look at the same evidence and don't find it compelling.

And sometimes the evidence is so utterly....uncompelling....that it's an outlandish claim. Hence my comment about conspiracy theory. Not this time, but sometimes.

But hey, I've been wrong before. Many times. Cheers.
Some of the worst and most obnoxious and impenetrable posters on sherdog are the ones who think they see paid posters everywhere they turn……
I notice it a lot when people either talk shit on Dana, or the UFC outright. Suddenly all these accounts sign on, and one after another co-sign some bs.

Becomes like a shill circle-jerk
I dunno. The dumbshittery is so vast around here, I didn't even notice any uptick.

I sorta think the "paid shill" thing is overblown - almost a conspiracy theory - and that next week there will be just as much dumbshittery, just pointed in a different direction.

But I don't track these things at all, so I admit my ignorance.
Could not agree more so many people on this forum think khabib is the goat and the guy has 1 more title defense than tim sylvia
Some of the worst and most obnoxious and impenetrable posters on sherdog are the ones who think they see paid posters everywhere they turn……
Pretty much the opposite, who says what you say are the first ones to be pointed to be paid shills. After all, who would say what you say without being paid? You discredit people "for free" who are not stupid to not pay attention on what's going on.
Pretty much the opposite, who says what you say are the first ones to be pointed to be paid shills. After all, who would say what you say without being paid? You discredit people "for free" who are not stupid to not pay attention on what's going on.
Who would say what? I’m having a tough time interpreting your post…..
Who would say what? I’m having a tough time interpreting your post…..
Everything. You are the shill number one of the forums not from today. When anyone starts talking bad about UFC or USADA, or badmouth someone Dana doesn't like or something, you are the first one to jump in out of the blue. People notice and you start with this bs saying no one can point a paid shill, but behavior is enough for those are not stupid as you try hard to make the others think. I mean, your disguise is pretty obvious and the narrative is always the same. Not only you of course, but many here. Many. "Paid" accounts in most cases (that I believe they don't pay a penny, once they pop up out of nowhere most often than not with posts and likes that no one ever saw before).
Everything. You are the shill number one of the forums not from today. When anyone starts talking bad about UFC or USADA, or badmouth someone Dana doesn't like or something, you are the first one to jump in out of the blue. People notice and you start with this bs saying no one can point a paid shill, but behavior is enough for those are not stupid as you try hard to make the others think. I mean, your disguise is pretty obvious and the narrative is always the same. Not only you of course, but many here. Many. "Paid" accounts in most cases (that I believe they don't pay a penny, once they pop up out of nowhere most often than not with posts and likes that no one ever saw before).
Lol. You’ve been here since June of 2022…..?

Look, I know you are factually incorrect yet you think you’re right. I know you’re full of shit. This is why guys like you have no credibility. You’re 100% wrong yet think you’re right.
Lol. You’ve been here since June of 2022…..?

Look, I know you are factually incorrect yet you think you’re right. I know you’re full of shit. This is why guys like you have no credibility. You’re 100% wrong yet think you’re right.
You trying to make me and the others look wrong just shows your true colors. I can be wrong, no problem at all, but unfortunately you can't hide from what you do here. People are not stupid as you think they are.
You trying to make me and the others look wrong just shows your true colors. I can be wrong, no problem at all, but unfortunately you can't hide from what you do here. People are not stupid as you think they are.
Lol. Sorry bro. You are indeed that stupid. I know this for fact.