We made it fam. MMA on Sports Illustrated cover.

She won't fit on the cover now.

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video game cover, sports illustrated cover, rogan claiming its the conor mcgregor era

all he needs to do is come out to an eminem song..... this guys career is done
Poor artem. He goes back to farming if conor loses
Terrible photo, what the....I don't even....wow.....


Conor bless.
You are adorable TS.
Conor looks soft. They usually add abs to these shoots. Right?

The Bieber underwear ads had better muscle tone (added).
My local radio stations are talking about Conor's fight against Diaz, I saw more than one of these magazines open on desks at work from people who don't give a shit about mma but love some Conor. Because of his charisma and confidence. And people cry because of how Conor acts. He's hit the big time.

This ppv will do at least 1.2 million.

Along with the UFC pushes the shit out of him. He wasn't a big star (outside of Ireland) like UFC wants you to believe. But when UFC says it enough, all these dumb ass media outlets believe it (they don't know any better) and then... boom, he's a star. Manufactured. All these fucktard media outlets saying he has one punch knock out power. He's only knocked out Aldo. His other fights were tko's. Not ko's. And surely not one punch ko's.