Law What’s the matter with Portland?

You should film it and post it on here. But since most of the homeless are antifa, they will probably blow you up with their fireworks left over from the assault on the fed building
The DA would lock me up and throw away the key with video evidence lol
Boise is gorgeous.

And unlike Colorado, it's not completely overrun with idiots. Some of the best mountains and scenery without the downsides of being a clusterfuck tourist trap like Yellowstone or basically all of Colorado.

Yeah... if you're a city puke who only sees elk and cows on TV, then it's not for you. And they don't want you either.
I've been to Boise. I imagine most of the people from Oregon that move there are already on the other side of the Cascades, and that's fine by me lol
I've been to Boise. I imagine most of the people from Oregon that move there are already on the other side of the Cascades, and that's fine by me lol

No worries bro... Just giving you shit.

I hate big cities. I'm just far enough outside of Houston to avoid all the garbage that goes with living in the city. But close enough to enjoy certain amenities on occasion.

Go Astros... haha. Yeah, yeah, I know.

My brother lives in Kalispell, Montana. Amazing place, but for me... I'm good with just visiting. So isolated from everything.
I would love to move to Boise. I love cities with a small town feel.


Let libs ruin Texas. Idaho should be protected.

Boise is close to being lost. They voted for a shit lib Democrat for mayor and had draconian Covid policies. Boise tried to shut down restaurants in bordering cities during Covid. Lmao. They had zero jurisdiction. Strange times.
no, my complaint was that the city was sooooooooooo pussified that it drove me insane by day 5. EVERYONE was a gigantic pussy. ffs, like i said, 3 freaking lanes of traffic stopped at a green light so that i could cross a street a whole 30 seconds early. who the fuck does that? let alone, the status quo?

also, the city tried to be philly so hard that it was fucking stupid. (especially since it was like, the opposite) from the LOVE bs to trying to steal first friday (or third thursday or whatever they called it), it was like some shitty twilight zone episode. and lolz @ avoiding the mentally ill - in a city where it was hip(ster) to LARP as such. all those rich kid hipsters begging for money...

i'm guessing that you, like everyone else i encountered, wouldn't have even said a word of this to me while i was there. and ffs, 3 crips riding a mall escalator? hahahahaha. that city was fucking clueless.
First Friday isn’t a Philly thing. I’ve lived in like 10 states and there’s been one everywhere. I looked it up just now and it looks like it originated in DC.
First Friday isn’t a Philly thing. I’ve lived in like 10 states and there’s been one everywhere. I looked it up just now and it looks like it originated in DC.

10 states and dc copying off philly, confirmed.
Portland is gross, and it's been spilling into Gresham now for a few years. I've taken to stealing smoke bombs from work so I can smoke bomb local homeless encampments.
Where do you work, that has accessible smoke bombs?
“Juniper?” I thought, “that’s a name someone just makes up for themself.” And sure enough, she’s trans.
I went to school with a girl named Juniper. She was not trans, that was way before this trend.
Didn't feel like making a new thread but good chance the progressive DA that is so loved on this forum is voted out tonight.
Didn't feel like making a new thread but good chance the progressive DA that is so loved on this forum is voted out tonight.

Good. mike schmidthead needs to go, but at the same time, it is fun to watch Portland burn down
Good. mike schmidthead needs to go, but at the same time, it is fun to watch Portland burn down

Hey now I haven't see any mentally unstable people burn anything down since last summer.