What are you playing? v.10 (Red Falcon Edition)

Your Super Contra gun of choice?

  • Machine gun (Highest ROF, 6-bullet on-screen cap)

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Been playing Balatro all day, it's a poker roguelike that just released. Super simple, but insane polish and different ways to scale.
14 hours into Enshrouded. I really like the base building aspects, never played Minecraft or any other building game. I purposefully delay the missions because sometime I just wanna chill and be a landscaper/hunter/collecter/archictect and civil engineer lol.
Been playing Balatro all day, it's a poker roguelike that just released. Super simple, but insane polish and different ways to scale.
Looks cool, gonna need an update in a week <45>
Last Epoch. Combats a lot of fun as a Rogue(only class that looked fun to play for me). Not quite there yet but im going Bladedancer mastery.
Just finished 'Thronebreaker - A Witcher Tale' last night, and its 'okay.'


I've played Witcher3 six times. Twice on PC, twice on PS4, & twice after it was enhanced for modern consoles. And I've had the itch to play it again, but play a game for the 7th time? I'll play it before Witcher 4 comes out but not before.

So I reminded myself I haven't played through Thronebreaker, despite owning it on PC & SeriesX, so rather than get annoyed/frustrated on my previous attempts I played it on the easy difficulty that allowed to skip difficult battles. So throughout playing it I gave each battle 3 attempts before skipping them.

First, the shell-shaded art is great.
Second, the voice-acting is just as great as Witcher3's.
Third, the narration is perfect.

But that's as far as my praises go because everything else is bare-bones.

The card-battle gameplay is obviously based off of Witcher3's qwent, the greatest side-game in a game ever, but its a far dumber version of it.
Gwent has 3 rows you can play cards, and most cards are dedicated to a single row. In Thronebreaker, there's only 2 rows, and any card can be played on either row without an advantage/disadvantage to it.

I could go into more detail of the card-battle gameplay, but in short, a grave disappointment compared to any expectations of anyone who's played Witcher3's gwent when they heard CDPR released a Gwent-campaign game.

I will say this... you'd have expectations to be needed to upgrade your deck as symbolic of Meve's army as she grows it from a group of rag-tag bandits to large and well equiped to quell an entire invasion... but some of the standard cards you're given are the most powerful you'll have for the entire campaign.

Although it has 'Witcher' in the title, 98% of the game is Witcher-less. There's one battle with a random 'School of the Bear' Witcher... who disappears immediately after. And there's one battle with everyone's favorite Witcher, Geralt, and he too leaves immediately after. The game's story would have been drastically improved if there was at least one regular Witcher character involved throughout the story.

And the story is... okay.
Unfortunately due to the story's heavy narration lack of cut-scenes it suffers of 'Tell & Don't Show' when to grasp the scale of the war you need to 'Show & Don't Tell' your own forces against the forces of your enemies, be it be against monsters or armies.

Although I played it on Easy, I figured I'd play it on a higher difficulty after 'learning the ropes.' But I didn't see anything in the game that was worth replaying at a higher difficulty, and as best I could tell you're just not allowed to skip battles.... so you're forced to play annoying and agrovating card battles until you win them. No thank you.

And all variations of the game's ending you can simply watch on YouTube. No point in playing though a 36-hour long game just to see a few things different.

So my recommendation is to skip it... unless to avoid playing through Witcher3 a 7th time.
Dead Age 2. If you like a mindless zombie roguelite game with grinding and a little bit of story then this is for you. You can probably get the game for 1-3 bucks on the grey market. It's not worth the full price. It's like a really good phone RPG.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is done.

The main story was enjoyable but not the best in the series. It started well but dragged a bit on the Hawaiian side towards the end, especially when a certain group started to show their colours mid way. The side stories, for the most part, were very good and often hilarious, some of the best in the series. There was also some bittersweet moments, especially with reoccurring characters on Kiryus side.

As far as characters and emotional moments, it's right up there. I really liked all of the characters and I was emotionally invested in them from beginning to end. I wanted certain things from them, wanted them do do well.

The game looks great and sounds good. Voice acting was tremendous for the most part, though in the parts that were supposed to be spoken in English, some of the voice acting was outright awful, bafflingly bad. Yes, I played the Japanese version, but when the western main villain speaks English in a thick as buggery Japanese accent, it's inexcusable.

The combat? Better than Like a Dragon, as being able to move your character feels better than just scrolling up and down a list. I still prefer the beat-em-up action of Kiryus games though. Going 4-on-1 on bosses seems a bit...unherolike too, regardless of the circumstances. Combat looks good and fluid, though seeing the same cutscene when doing my opening move over and over again gets old. Cutscenes are always worth a watch, for the first few times.

Side content? Some of it was very good for one playthrough, but I think that the selection of mini games could have been better. Mini Games like Crazy Eats and the dating app cracked me up, but I won't boot the game up just to play them. I fleetingly enjoyed them whilst I played them. Dondoko Island was a bit of a slog and the Sujimon thing was a grind. I didn't care much for the arcade games either. Honestly, previous Yakuza games had better games in the arcade. I wonder what exactly can be added? We had Dreamcast level arcade games in previous entries in the series, so why not add something like Sega Rally or even Scud Race?

I've cleared the first part of Big Swell and I enjoyed the combat and the cutscenes so far. Is it worth the extra £20? Probably not, but additional content in Premium Adventure is nice regardless.

Overall it's certainly up there as one of the best entries in the series. I really enjoyed my time with this game, though previous games in the series may have done certain things better. I'm honestly unsure as to where I'd put it in the list. It feels like the best game in the series in terms of polish and scope, though the climax was better in Like a Dragon and Yakuza Zero hit harder emotionally and had the better side content and mini games. It reminds me of Lost Judgement, where everything is a lot more polished and there is a lot more to do, but certain imperfections keep it from being the runaway best in the series. Yet, it's strengths also may make it swappable for the top.

Overall, well worth the purchase at full price.

I paid for the deluxe version, as I wanted Big Swell. The two extra jobs that come with it aren't really worth it, and the boosters aren't vital. I'd recommend getting the base game and checking DLCs individually.
Playing the OG 1997-made Final Fantasy 7.

Took a break, to play something more fast paced, and decided to try Hades.

Been fading it for long, cause usually i'm not a fan of roguelike /roguelite games, but goddamn, I get the hype now.

Superb game, addictive AF. Always makes you go for one more run.
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Tales of Arise

This is my first "Tales" game. So far, it's par for the course in terms of JRPG's. VERY anime. Very formulaic "Town, dungeon, town, dungeon" set up. The story is just getting getting going, but it's alright so far. The only real big difference that separates it from the pack, is it's battle system, which I'm not 100% sold on as of yet. It's interesting, but button mash-y, with very little strategy. So far, anyways. I will say that the first big boss fight is epic as all fuck, and if that level of spectacle continues, it will be enough to keep me going.
Was close to hitting an impasse with Last Epoch. Grinding Monoliths is fun but was starting to get repetitive. After doing my morning grind took a break. Then decided to do a few more before getting ready for work. Game decided to grace me with my first usable Unique drop:
Downloaded and played new Konami demo for upcoming Contra title Operation Galuga.

Game plays super well and in return to franchise roots. Flamethrower back too with double jump and fun little shoulder charge.

The cut scenes are max cheese so I wouldn’t mind if they cut those entirely but I get it.

Plot is Red Falcon organisation reassembles on a remote island after it’s struck by natural disaster re comet shower. They take advantage of the climatic fallout of the event by developing something something anti-gravity weapons. Lance and Bill are sent in to confirm what’s going on, then once again slay the hydra over a number of missions.

Curious what they end up pricing it at for launch.

e/ Trailer:

Currently going through Blasphemous 2, and so far Streets of Wakes is my favourite place. Kind of gave me Irithyll vibes from DS3.
Tales of Arise

This needs to get better real quick, or I'm out. The mindless combat, combined with a cut scene every three seconds that has the characters giving the same super deep commentary on the dynamics of oppression and war, is officially grating. I think in my 8 or so hours with it, I've actually "played" the game for about an hour. Every ten steps you take, there's a cut scene, and after that you get a button prompt to bring up another fucking cut scene. It wouldn't be so bad if the story was actually interesting, but it's not even remotely interesting, with the most stock English voice acting being the icing on the bland cake.

Now the combat could be fun, if it didn't mostly just play itself. You can only play one character at a time, so you're just stuck doing the same attacks over and over, while your team is on auto-pilot. A simple ATB system, that rotates you through your characters, while mostly keeping it's real time action intact, would do wonders here. On top of that, I think I've come across maybe five different enemy types, so you're fighting the same mobs over and over again as well.

I don't know about about this one. I just don't see it getting much better.
I bought Aliens Dark Descent when it first was released, played the tutorial, and haven'f touched it since... until now.

Its not that I didn't like it, but I had other games to finish at the time.

I just fired it back up and watching the opening cinematic. I'm playing it on Medium and will be playing it all the way through.
Downloaded and played new Konami demo for upcoming Contra title Operation Galuga.

Game plays super well and in return to franchise roots. Flamethrower back too with double jump and fun little shoulder charge.

The cut scenes are max cheese so I wouldn’t mind if they cut those entirely but I get it.

Plot is Red Falcon organisation reassembles on a remote island after it’s struck by natural disaster re comet shower. They take advantage of the climatic fallout of the event by developing something something anti-gravity weapons. Lance and Bill are sent in to confirm what’s going on, then once again slay the hydra over a number of missions.

Curious what they end up pricing it at for launch.

e/ Trailer:

I installed the demo. Should I play through it?
I bought Aliens Dark Descent when it first was released, played the tutorial, and haven'f touched it since... until now.

Its not that I didn't like it, but I had other games to finish at the time.

I just fired it back up and watching the opening cinematic. I'm playing it on Medium and will be playing it all the way through.
It's a great game. "DOUBLE TIME!"
I'm still playing through Yakuza/Like a Dragon. I'm about 1/4 way through 4R, and 3R, ultimately, ended up being pretty fun, thought the first 40-60% of that game is rough to get through, slow moving, and pretty nonsensical, even for video games. Towards the end it picks up, and I enjoyed it, overall. 4R, though, has been amazing from the jump and moves along in a much more organic and fluid manner. Really excited to eventually get to the newer games, although I hear they're a bit different.

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