What did you do with your time away from sherdoggers

cried about not being able to hug super_nintendo.
Jerked off.
went on reddit more.
was a bit nice to get away from the flame wars
I didn't know whether to like this post, put a sad emoji? So many mixed feelings

Jon is truly a gift from God and he makes the superhero In comics seem lame. I was told as a little kid that Santa and Superman aren't real.

But I know now that both exist inside St. Jones. Because he is a real life superhero that just keeps giving back to humanity. The amount of lives he has changed is truly astronomical

The only fault I have with Jones, is not a fault with him really. It's just how bad of a person I feel in comparison

We must do better kids! Be like St. Jones
Some people tell me that religion is all fake and that God doesn't exist. I ask them if God isn't real, then who created such a pure and holy divine angel like Jon Jones?
Surely no human in history of man kind is capable of creating such a sinless perfect being.
God only created 2 supreme perfect beings in this world. The first was Jesus Christ, and when he died on the cross for our sins, he made it Jones duty to carry on his legacy, spread the good word of Jesus so that we can all appreciate Christianity and heal the world, making it a better place
I sailed down the west of N.Africa, from the south of Spain to the North of Lanzarote.

Currently at anchor, first phone signal for a week.

Hi! When it comes to how to spend your free time, I realize that there is a huge number of interesting and diverse activities, but everyone likes absolutely different things. Someone prefers to read books, and someone likes to do sports more. Some like creative activities, and some like learning new skills. But unfortunately, I'm not one of those people. I like to rest and relax in my free time. Very often we can get together with friends and play games.
I think I was suffering from alcohol poisoning and fapping to a lot of teh pr0n
Been working and crushing beer. Went on a “trophy hunt” fighting all the tough guys in our senior league and I’m happy with how it went. I just got my 6 stitches out of my left hand though and my first game back, I had a 3 point game (2g, 1a). Having a hard time passing up the Quebec fight league. There’s some dudes who would humble me but I habe the itch still and I may just do it.

I fought the biggest mutants in the Q over a decade ago. Always was proud how I beat some tough dudes but figured fighting wasn’t for me, Back then, I was a homesick young kid who was scared but did it anyways. Now I’m a bigger, crustier old dog and I need ti be humbled soon.

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