What do you do when you've got sunburned?

I accept my new life of pain and suffering.
I usually try to refrain from killing myself.
Aloe Vera save my life if i fuck up

But tbh as start i got south italian extreme sun-resistent skin, no idea if does miracles even on light light skinned people as you said to be
Not sure, but if you ever get "hell's itch" from sunburn do not apply lotion as it will make your itch go from unbearable to wanting to jump into a volcano to end it all.
I hide from sunlight like a vampire. Long sleeved shirts, tons of SPF 50, and hats. And I always keep a shitload of Aloe around.
If you want though, I can drop by and pee on you sometime.
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Baby powder is the best treament for sunburn. I lived in Hawaii before.
If you need someone who does wet work, I'm available.
I got that dark skinned melanin thang going on so I can't relate

But y'all light folks take care
I complain like a girl but it looks like you already got that part covered.

I got scorched pretty good.

Now - pain is gone, redness receding, no peel.

There is very marginal pain in the area which I was done worst but - outside of that, it works.
Keep the skin moisturized and cool.

Next time put on some fuckin sun blocker and don't go into the sun too long.Wear reflective clothes and wear a hat.
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Came here to post this. I have this on my garden, but you can also buy the gel pretty much everywhere. Aloe Vera is a life saver when you are sunburned.
Started avoiding places/times where i might get scorched. Been a long time since i've had a killer sunburn.
Gold Bond is the GOAT moisturizer for every injury and I will Fight anyone who claims otherwise
Aloe vera gel is awesome. The thing is, you have to use a lot of it, not just rub in a handful.
They have special aloe massage in Thailand for sore whiteys. Helps a ton!
And TS, that was not really the easiest way to say you like being pissed on.

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