what do you guys do on your weekends?


Jan 21, 2017
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Its official. I cant stand the bars anymore. the novelty has worn off and I just see the biggest scumbag men and women peacocking In a modern day mating hole. All the women Ive met are dumb as hell and uneasy lay, all the guys are completely obnoxious douchebros. Im over it. maybe I'm getting just old. how do you guys spend your weekends?

Business as usual.
Play with my bunnies ^.^ I recommend you get some bunnies tbh. They will fill your life with joy.
Family outing on Saturday. UFC and other sports on Sunday. If I'm especially happy I might drink a beer and climb on top of my wife. <5>
Work in said bar or club as security Friday and Saturday night, play American football on Sunday. Considering jacking in the work so then it would be weed and video games.
Family stuff involving sports, music, food, drink and arts.

Although one weekend out of every 7 I'm On Call Engineer for my employer, so weekends such as this one are a little more domestic. Which works out ok because my wife's taking my daughter and her friend to the cinema just as Ireland vs England kicks off :)
Run. Homework. Work. Run. Run. Take the dogs for a walk. Right now I'm watching GOT.
Train spotting, plane spotting, bird watching
If I don't hangout with friends then I usually drink while watching a movie and surfing Sherdog. I'm through with the bar scene my damn self.

Overpriced booze in a room full of people that can't handle their alcohol.
Go to the gym, watch the NCAA Basketball Tournament, and Fantasy Baseball Draft on Sunday.
Coached a bjj tournament the whole day. Envy of my former partners who are still active and maintained their weight. Fml.
I work on Saturday-Sunday. So my weekend is Tuesday/Wednesday.

But I usually have a soccer game Tuesday evenings. I go out with my mates around every second week. The other week I do something with my wife.
Could be anything really. Cinema, restaurant, bowling, shopping.
The other day I do absolutely nothing. Just eating and hanging out.