What do you miss about being young?

Falling down and not feeling it days later.

I went skating for the first time in years on Go Skateboarding Day (June 21st) and slammed hard just trying to ollie down some stairs. My back, left hip and left shoulder are still killing me. I know I wouldn't be feeling like this if I was younger.
The privacy honestly. Open spaces didnt have other people in them. You could be unavailable and it wasnt an issue. Strangers would buy you beer. I could play sports for hours. Cut grass smelled better. Sneaking into a cemetary to have sex didnt seem weird.

I dont miss those mothers with the giant bushes wearing a bathing suit though. That really made adulthood appear daunting.
Under 30, just less responsibility. Also going out, hanging out, getting fucked up without a care in the world.

this plus your recovery time is 10x what it was back then... sigh...
32 now , i miss being able to play video games all night then sleeping all day not having to worry about work/kid\bills. But to be honest that might be overhyped nostalgia. I would feel like crap and so useless if i spent a couple weeks on mt 13-17 lifestyle.
Playing Counterstrike snorting cocaine with Asian gangsters lan 4vs 4
My body, how much I could push it and it still wanted more. The amazing feeling of being in peak physical condition with tst coming out of my ears lol. At 40 I still look relatively the same though, obviously I look older but my face hasn't really changed that much, good genes I guess, some guys I know by this age look like a completely different person.
I'm 36 and still right in the wheel house of my prime, but my desire or "fire" seems to have diminished a bit. I seem to tire more and slower muscle recovery as well. But I don't miss being younger as I have gained a wealth of knowledge over the years that at least even those differences. If anything it's the obvious lack of time left on this planet that I miss, but that's about it.
the newness of everything

going to shows hearing bands for the first time
flirtin with chicks
having all the time in the world and no one to answer to
I'm 27 and losing the feeling of being young, might just be that im getting fat though
Truth. I was prime until 37. A sstrong as ever. A couple surprise surgeries, way less gym time, a spare tire, I'm my age now.. BUt I was literally peak at 37 years old. Absolutely zero difference in strength or mobility. I just started working out at 19 and never stopped.
I'm 36 but fuck being old. I refuse.

Gotta say recovering from cuts and bruises seems slower now though. Still recover from workouts fine.
I miss being being 15 years old, sleeping out in the woods with all your buddies and getting fucked up. Waking up to ride quads, dirt-bikes etc...Going to the mall to get girls phone #'s so that you could take them out in the woods and bang them. Oh, I also miss eating whatever, whenever I wanted.

School age chicks
High school girls...

these posts and all the likes they have received. Only further prove my point about how most men settle and how virginity and youth in women is truly valuable and how you all cope when you get older because the vast majority of you cannot have what you truly desire (which is often what you jerk off too in porno). Its okay though i am not hating. Just realizing it.
My body, how much I could push it and it still wanted more. The amazing feeling of being in peak physical condition with tst coming out of my ears lol. At 40 I still look relatively the same though, obviously I look older but my face hasn't really changed that much, good genes I guess, some guys I know by this age look like a completely different person.

Good genes delay everything.

look at Alan Jouban

He is 36 going on 37 this year. Filmed this 2 years ago and does modeling. Easily looks like a 24 or 25 year old guy. Looks no older than mid 20s yet is 10 years older. I will be similar, i am around mid 20s but look 17. My dad when he was 40 looked like in his mid to late 20s. Alan Jouban and many male models are similarily blessed with good genes. But it also varies by subrace, some people just by luck of genes get blessed. Also still has his hair line. But alas there is no way his joints are the same as they were back then at 25. I could believe though that he is in better muscular shape though. So assuming your hairline and skin still holds out with youth, i think mid 30s is the last maximum peak for a man. Everything after is a different appeal, like the seasoned Bond look.

An in shape top male model or so is at peak in mid 20s, and can extend that till mid 30s assuming he has the genes that keeps him looking at mid 20s.

Playing street fighter with a bunch of other kids or playing guns in the woods. Not giving a flying fuck about anything or what time it was. Christmas.
Truth. I was prime until 37. A sstrong as ever. A couple surprise surgeries, way less gym time, a spare tire, I'm my age now.. BUt I was literally peak at 37 years old. Absolutely zero difference in strength or mobility. I just started working out at 19 and never stopped.

There had to be some difference at 37. In terms of your joints, and the collagen in your face. Maybe at best you looked mid 20s at 37. I am sure your muscularity could be better at mid 30s or late 30s than your 20s. In fact all serious lifters and fitness models reach peak in late 20s to early 30s. But the face for most people losses serious tightness and youthful collageon in the 30s. Unless you got the genes like Alan jouban and even then he is starting to fade from his mid 20s look.

I have never seen a case of someone late 30s or mid 30s looking any younger than mid 20s. At least for a man. I have however seen many cases of people in their 50s who look in their 30s. It seems that for whatever reason, the face just cannot sustain the youthful tightness and collagen levels that actually 20 year old people have. But of course it varies because i have met many people who are in their 20s who look old. Like they say many white women age bad, and i agree especially if they take in lots of sun or drugs. It ages them. I have met many latina women in their 30s or mixed women who look younger than mid 20 year old white girls.