What Do You Miss More..Sex or Cuddles?

My fondest sexual memories always involves foreplay. I enjoy getting them as wet as possible. Hovering hands around the inner thigh or findling the breast, girls love that shit. And this is why I've never been turned down for head.
Eventually, the hot chick you married becomes middle-aged (and so do you.) Very few middle-aged women are sexually attractive.
I miss being fed only.




Fix me my meals later please @Cint , and makesure the catnip is left out too. Not feeling special and loved enough lately by you.
My gf is going away for two weeks and i cant fucking wait to catch up on the latest porn stars

And lol at cuddles
I'm married so I miss the daily sex, god i miss it. I never miss cuddling, I personally don't like that stuff. After 10 years of marriage the sex just slows down. Getting laid 2x a month phucking blows...:(

You will get a divorce soon. I had 4 kids with a lady I was with 14 years, and we never once had sex less than 3x a week. If we went 3 days, it was weird. It's called love. If you don't feel anything from touching other than fkn, then you aren't probably somebody they gets attached in that way. When I'm attached to a girl, I show it through having sex with them all the time. You just do it.
I would miss the intimacy of sex. You guys are doing it wrong. Sex should have real hugs and squeezing in it, like you mean it. I think either with out the other would get boring quick.

Right now is my biggest dry spell of the last 18 years. I had sex 2 days ago, but I'm only doing it 2-3 times a week.
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Currently on a bad dry spell, not mssing sex as so but missing the female touch, cute talk and cuddles so much. Anyone else have this problem?
Go hug your mom- and grab her by the pussy for me!
They go hand in hand. Current girl is in the honeymoon phase so we're fucking a few times a day. I just stopped getting over the pangs from my ex. We liked driving up to the Hollywood Hills or a spot by the L.A. River after a night out. We'd often stay out talking until morning. I know, super ghey right.
Sex is overrated i like to cuddle and jerk off
Sex. You can get platonic friends to cuddle you. Even strangers in some cities. But sex takes effort or money or both.
They for sure go down a little every year. My wife is CPA so she works damn near 60-80 hours every week. She still gives me bj's but nothing like before. I would have sex everyday if I could. I've had conversations with the wife about it but she is either tired, feels fat, etc... Love my wife till death, but I miss pussy on the reg.

Are you going downtown on her and staying in shape?
I have found that if i handle business properly down there on her first, i get a much better bj next. I usually start the oral festivities for this reason

Im not married..but this is the kind of thing that would scare me from ever doing it. Im the kind of person where if someone isn't into something, or into me then i don't want them to do it, or be with me. I get turned off if they're not into it. Id be cheating for sure if i was in a sexless marriage

I had a long time gf that started to slack on the sex. When i stopped asking for it, hit the gym harder and just did my own thing, she came back around to give it to me like she used to. They get worried that u don't need them when you stop asking and relying on them
is it true once you get married blowjobs and hand jobs stop because they feel they are "above that"?
Ive never understood hand jobs.
People actually pay for them. I can jack myself off, and do it better than any girl ever could.
a mix of the 2. I miss the cuddles and the either of us "happen to wake up" in the middle of the night 4-5am type time and wake the other for some "mid sleep" sex and then going back to sleep until 8:30
Sometimes I do, then when I have a girl to hold hands with and cuddle and stuff, I don't really want to do it.
Snuggling, cuddling, whatever name you know it by is fantastic, and i suspect everyone taking the piss loves all that closeness too.
4 years since last time for both and I miss cuddling more. Sex you can at least somewhat fix yourself.