What do you think if "An eye for an eye?"

I'm not too clued up on this but in the bible it states "eye for an eye" yes? But then it also states to not harm or kill anyone.

What's that all about then? Which is it. If somebody chops up my dog do I chop them back?
it says turn the other cheek.

but a guy from the hood once told me, you only have two cheeks.
By evolutionary advantage I assume you mean that it makes individuals more fit to create offspring. That isn't really true these days, if it was true at any point. Vengeful, sadistic people tend to find themselves spending a lot of their prime breeding years in prison. It's probably a significant individual disadvantage.
Does Revenge Serve an Evolutionary Purpose?

Scientific American spoke with Michael McCullough, a psychology professor and director of the Evolution and Human Behavior Laboratory at the University of Miami, as well as the author of Beyond Revenge: The Evolution of the Forgiveness Instinct (Jossey-Bass, 2008). He explains that the impulse for revenge evolved as a simple cost-benefit equation

What evolutionary purpose does the impulse for revenge serve?
It's got costs, but it does look like, from the best models we have, that individuals with a taste for punishing those who have harmed them could become a major part of a group. The way revenge seems to operate in our minds today really does have a functional ring to it.

The loudest way to exact revenge is to make a person's gains less profitable. You have reached into their accounting system and changed what they've gained from harming you.

The interesting thing is that the desire for revenge goes up if there are people who have watched you be mistreated, because in that case, the costs have gotten bigger. If you don't take revenge, there's a chance that people will learn that you are the type of person who will put up with mistreatment. That is the kind of phenomenon that you would expect if there is a functional logic underlying the system that produces revenge. This is a well-tuned system that's highly specific in what it cares about and the kinds of responses that it generates.

If it's so well tuned in humans, do we see this sort of behavior in other animals?
Absolutely. Imposing costs on individuals that have imposed costs on you is really common in nonhuman animals. We see it in birds. We see it in fish. It does actually seem to change them. It produces reformed behavior—the way it ought to if it's designed for deterrence.

Does Revenge Serve an Evolutionary Purpose?

Scientific American spoke with Michael McCullough, a psychology professor and director of the Evolution and Human Behavior Laboratory at the University of Miami, as well as the author of Beyond Revenge: The Evolution of the Forgiveness Instinct (Jossey-Bass, 2008). He explains that the impulse for revenge evolved as a simple cost-benefit equation

What evolutionary purpose does the impulse for revenge serve?
It's got costs, but it does look like, from the best models we have, that individuals with a taste for punishing those who have harmed them could become a major part of a group. The way revenge seems to operate in our minds today really does have a functional ring to it.

The loudest way to exact revenge is to make a person's gains less profitable. You have reached into their accounting system and changed what they've gained from harming you.

The interesting thing is that the desire for revenge goes up if there are people who have watched you be mistreated, because in that case, the costs have gotten bigger. If you don't take revenge, there's a chance that people will learn that you are the type of person who will put up with mistreatment. That is the kind of phenomenon that you would expect if there is a functional logic underlying the system that produces revenge. This is a well-tuned system that's highly specific in what it cares about and the kinds of responses that it generates.

If it's so well tuned in humans, do we see this sort of behavior in other animals?
Absolutely. Imposing costs on individuals that have imposed costs on you is really common in nonhuman animals. We see it in birds. We see it in fish. It does actually seem to change them. It produces reformed behavior—the way it ought to if it's designed for deterrence.

You're nowhere near describing the "sadism" that you advocated for. I think you made a mistake using that word. There's an interesting grey area where revenge and justice and consequences are hard to separate, for sure.
You're nowhere near describing the "sadism" that you advocated for. I think you made a mistake using that word. There's an interesting grey area where revenge and justice and consequences are hard to separate, for sure.
it's "sadistic" in this sense:
"Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans have revealed that thinking about revenge activates the reward center—where the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine is lodged—in much the same way that sweet foods or even drugs can. "
The Code of Hammurabi is one of the few bits most people remember from like the 6th grade or something. Lol

Or so I thought.

Really? American born and bred, and I was never taught about Hammurabi's Code until college history.

I like the part where if you kill my goat I get to kill you. Fucking Bablyon, amirite?
What is your opinion An eye for an eye punishment? I think in several muslim countries, they practice this.

Do you think it's the fairest form of punishment?

I am all for it. Fuck it. You kill my brother I kill yours. This world is overpopulated anyway. They should start having that in India and china. They breed like locusts. 3 billion just in those two places.
I am all for it. Fuck it. You kill my brother I kill yours. This world is overpopulated anyway. They should start having that in India and china. They breed like locusts. 3 billion just in those two places.
This is peak armchair warrior

I can just smell the cheetoh dust as you type.
it's "sadistic" in this sense:
"Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans have revealed that thinking about revenge activates the reward center—where the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine is lodged—in much the same way that sweet foods or even drugs can. "
Sadism is associated with empathy, and relating/reacting to the pain of others in a messed up way. I think we would all agree that it's pleasurable in some way to see people get their comeuppance, but I think that's mostly about recognizing justice, good order and a feeling of security- a bit of a "higher" function where we're more about reason than feelings. I'm not an expert on the brain or anything, but that's what makes sense to me based on experience/reading.
What is your opinion An eye for an eye punishment? I think in several muslim countries, they practice this.

Do you think it's the fairest form of punishment?

I think it make sense.
It's embraced logically by children and simpletons, disregarded by adults.

simpletons may very well takeover world. I bet in 100 years liberalism be dead for good.

It's the way stuff was done for thousands of years, and it was silly. It's one of the direct reasons Western Civilization has evolved into what it is, a system of objective laws and non retribution based punishment.

Lol at you western supremacy bullshit. Laws made by ruler class to rule over men who not think.
Take it to it's fullest extreme and you have:

"An eye for an eye leaves the world blind" -- Gandhi

Eventually someone has to "turn the other cheek" -- Jesus
i recall a conversation after rolling where i spoke to a priest (he trained jiujitsu) about historical context from the bible, the quran, etc.

they were written thousands of years ago, it's not meant to be taken literally these days. he stated that it's best used as a reference guide on morality and such but beyond that, things like "eye for an eye" is not exactly applicable to modern developed society with a justice and penal system.

sure, there are instances where the act is so heinous that you know, it MAY warrant an eye for an eye. but where does it end?
I always preferred "Tit for Tat"

Let's be honest it does imply tits are involved.
I think it make sense.

simpletons may very well takeover world. I bet in 100 years liberalism be dead for good.

Lol at you western supremacy bullshit. Laws made by ruler class to rule over men who not think.

LOL, You're an idiot
Whole world.... blindness... that kinda thing.

your precious white women and western world will fall into arms of rest of world. lol

the west not superior

If it's not.... why is "the rest of the world" so intent on getting into it? Derp.

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